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  • Kazem Al-Saher

    ها حبيبي → Übersetzung auf Englisch

  • 7 Übersetzungen
    +6 weitere
    , Englisch #1, #2, #3, Indonesisch, Transliteration #1, #2
Sprachen tauschen

Ha Habiby

oh my beloved i do can feel you ,all of you
oh my beloved for my sake don't harm yourself
who made you angry? you can get angry with me?
i swear of god the anger of all the world
and no harm touches you
smile,ease your nerves,let your head between my hands
and take this kiss from me to make up ,stop being spoiled
be spoiled ,spoil yourself on me
oh god's gift from above and the most beautiful present
i'l count to
what?come and kiss me ,how many time i kiss you my beloved
with my own i comb your hair and wash away your tears
ah how beautiful you are even your tear is attractive

ها حبيبي

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