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  • Wael Kfoury

    رسايل حب → Übersetzung auf Englisch

  • 2 Übersetzungen
    Englisch #1, #2
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رسايل حب

rasayel 7obb kteetry ba3da ta7t sreery
feha w wrood z3´eery medabbalha el sahar
shou le3ebna w shou 7abayena 3a7faf el basateen
nersom 3ala edyaena 2ollon mellaowanyeen
w layely sawa ne2addeha sawa
yemerga7na el hawa 3a 7bal el yasameen
yeb2a el 2ammar na6erna ta ellayel yesser nehar
we el 7obb elly 3´amerna mesh rady 3ally sar
we nedaffy edayena te3´fo 3enayena
w ma be s2allo 3alena ella le tany nhar

Rasayel Hob

a lots of love letters are still under my bed
they contain little roses who are tired of sleepless nights
how much we played ,how much we loved each other on the extreme of the field
we draw on our forests (2ollon:i didn't get it) mellaowanyeen=coloured
and the nights,we spend them together
the love makes us sway,on the leaves of the jasmin
and the moon is waiting for us untill the night becomes day
and the love that filled us is not satisfied for what happened
and we warm our hands till we close our eyes
and they don't search for us till the next day