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ArenaL5ArenaL5    Mo, 11/02/2013 - 18:09

I merged Elisabeth Pawelke and Almara.

The artist's named Elisabeth Pawelke, but, if I recall correctly, she identifies herself as "Almara" for all of her solo works.

TrampGuyTrampGuy    Di, 12/02/2013 - 00:09

what do you mean merged? there was no artist entry for Elisabeth Pawelke, but I still think it should be noted here as Almara is not that easy to find online.

ArenaL5ArenaL5    Di, 12/02/2013 - 00:20

There was. I reported it as a duplicate.
But you have a point, shall I change the name of this to "Elisabeth Pawelke"?

TrampGuyTrampGuy    Di, 12/02/2013 - 00:24

lol, I'm an idiot xD which one was added first? if it's the one you showed me, then it's the one I uploaded and I didn't see this one.

ArenaL5ArenaL5    Di, 12/02/2013 - 00:31

EDIT: The one called "ALMARA - Elisabeth Pawelke", I think it was this one?

TrampGuyTrampGuy    Di, 12/02/2013 - 00:35

Now I remember why I named it Elisabeth Pawelke and not Almara - because what if Elisabeth decides to write music that is not under Almara's name? then we would have to open another artist profile, which is not that bad, but I think if someone likes her style, he/she would rather look for all of it in one place.

ArenaL5ArenaL5    Di, 12/02/2013 - 00:54

We need both names, really.
If she enters another group, the most logical would be opening another profile for the group. If she continues solo but grows bored of her project name... we can just rename this anytime.
I just chosen Almara because that's what appears on the CD Cover in the video.

Anyways, if we are to change the name on the front, we'd better wait until the duplicate is deleted, or else we'll have a mess.

TrampGuyTrampGuy    Di, 12/02/2013 - 01:07

If she enters another group - that's a different case. (btw, she was a member of Faun until recently.)

If she changes her solo project's name, I think it would still be wise to keep all of her work under one name and maybe add the projects name in 'featured artist' field.

TrampGuyTrampGuy    Di, 12/02/2013 - 00:26

Doesn't matter which name shows on top I suppose, as long as both names are showing.