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Sprachen tauschen

Astro del Ciel

Astro del Ciel, pargol divin
Mite agnello, Redentor
Tu che i vati da lungi sognar
Tu che angeliche voci annunziar
Luce dona alle menti
Pace infondi nei cuor
Astro del Ciel, pargol divin
Mite agnello, Redentor
Tu di stirpe regale decor
Tu virgineo, mistico fior
Luce dona alle menti
Pace infondi nei cuor
Astro del Ciel, pargol divin
Mite agnello, Redentor
Tu disceso a scontare l'error
Tu sol nato a parlare d'amor
Luce dona alle menti
Pace infondi nei cuor

Star of the Sky

Star of the Sky, divine baby
Gentle lamb, Saviour
You, of whom prophets dreamed long time before
You who have been announced by angelic voices
Gift light to the minds
Instill peace in hearts
Star of the Sky, divine baby
Gentle lamb, Saviour
You of regal descent honour
You virgin, mystical flower
Gift light to the minds
Instill peace in hearts
Star of the Sky, divine baby
Gentle lamb, Saviour
You descended to serve the mistake
Only you were born to speak of love
Gift light to the minds
Instill peace in hearts
subterlabentiasubterlabentia    Fr, 07/04/2017 - 15:10

In the third verse, that "sognar" is but a truncated form for "sognarono" (to be pedantic, it should be written with a circumflex, "sognâr"). I'd translate it into "you, of whom prophets dreamed long time before". It implies far away in time, not in space.