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Pick Up Song

You are free and I am free
And there's a night to spend
Why wouldn't we go together
Why wouldn't we stay
In the adventure of the senses
You are alone and I'm even more alone
You, that have my eyes on you
You have my open hand
Waiting to close itself
Around that empty hand of yours
Come, because love
Is not time
Nor is it time
That makes it
Come, because love
Is the moment
Where I give myself
Where you give yourself
You, searching for companionship
And me, searching whoever wants (to)
Be the end of this energy
Be a body of pleasure
Be the end of one more day
You continue waiting
For the best that won't come anymore
And hope has been found
Before you by someone
And I'm better than nothing
(Chorus 3x)

Canção do Engate

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