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  • Lala Karmela

    Kamu Aku Cinta → Übersetzung auf Englisch

Sprachen tauschen

You are my love

As long as this world keeps turning,
My love for you will never fade,
You are the star in my life,
The one that always shines so brightly in my night.
As long as the sun continues to shine,
My love for you will continue to glow,
You are my lover's heart
Who always will decorate my life's story
You will always be the one for me
You will be mine for my lifetime
Until the end of time
Forever nothing will happen to us
I will always protect myself
Oh, our love is limitless
And will remain with us forever for our whole lives
You will always be the one for me
You will be my love forever
Until the end of time
You will always be the one for me
You will be my love forever
Forever, until the end of time
Forever, until the end of time

Kamu Aku Cinta

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