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Korrekturlesen gesucht
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Der Teufel hat den Schnaps gemacht...

Der Teufel hat den Schnaps gemacht
Na und? Na und?
Hat mich um den Verstand gebracht
Na und? Na und?
Ich fühlte mich so heldenhaft
Na und? Na und?
Wer ist der Typ im Spiegel?
Wieso ist ihm nur so übel?
Hip hip hurra, die Humpen her!
Der Teufel kriegt uns nimmermehr
Humpen her, hip hip hurra!
Wir saufen und wir sind noch da
Hip hip hurra, die Humpen her!
Der Teufel kriegt uns nimmermehr
Humpen her, hip hip hurra!
Wir saufen und wir sind noch da
Der Teufel hat den Schnaps gemacht
Na und? Na und?
Wer hat mich wohl hierher gebracht?
Na und? Na und?
Mein Kopf passt nie durch diese Tür
Na und? Na und?
Wer ist nur diese Frau,
Auf deren Brüste ich hier schau'?
Hip hip hurra, die Humpen her!
Der Teufel kriegt uns nimmermehr
Humpen her, hip hip hurra!
Wir saufen und wir sind noch da
Hip hip hurra, die Humpen her!
Der Teufel kriegt uns nimmermehr
Humpen her, hip hip hurra!
Wir saufen und wir sind noch da
Der Teufel hat den Schnaps gemacht
Na und? Na und?
Was hab' ich gestern noch gelacht!
Na und? Na und?
So schwör' ich heute ab dem Glas
Na und? Na und?
Bis zur nächsten langen Nacht,
Wenn der Teufel mich verlacht
Гип гип ура бокалы сюда
Нас черт не догонит никогда
Бокалы вверх гип гип ура
Давай, друзья, мы пьём до дна
Гип гип ура бокалы сюда
Нас черт не догонит никогда
Бокалы вверх гип гип ура
Давай, друзья, мы пьём до дна
Fiddler´s Green:
Hip hip hurray, raise up your glass!
The devil won't get a hold of us
Raise up your glass, hip hip hurray!
We drink until our final day
Hip hip hurray, raise up your glass!
The devil won't get a hold of us
Raise up your glass, hip hip hurray!
We drink until our final day
Hip hip hurra, die Humpen her!
Der Teufel kriegt uns nimmermehr
Humpen her, hip hip hurra!
Wir saufen und wir sind noch da
Hip hip hurra, die Humpen her!
Der Teufel kriegt uns nimmermehr
Humpen her, hip hip hurra!
Wir saufen und wir sind noch da
Der Teufel hat den Schnaps gemacht
Na und?

The Devil Invented Schnaps...

The devil invented Schnaps
So what? So what?
It has driven me out of my mind
So what? So what?
I feel like I'm some kind of superhero 1
So what? So what?
Who is that guy in the mirror?
Why does he look like shit? 2
Hip hip hurra to the steins
The devil will never take us
To the steins hip hip hurra
We drink heavily and we're still here.
Hip hip hurra to the steins
The devil will never take us
To the steins hip hip hurra
We drink heavily and we're still here.
The devil invented Schnaps
So what? So what?
Who the hell even brought me here?
So what? So what?
My head won't fit through the door
So what? So what?
And who's this woman
who's got her breasts in my face?
Hip hip hurra to the steins
The devil will never take us
To the steins hip hip hurra
We drink heavily and we're still here.
Hip hip hurra to the steins
The devil will never take us
To the steins hip hip hurra
We drink heavily and we're still here.
The devil invented Schnaps
So what? So what?
Yesterday I was laughing it off
So what? So what?
So today I'm swearing off drinking
So what? So what?
Until the next long night,
That the devil tries to ridicule me
Hip hip hurray, get your glasses
The devil will never catch us
Raise up your glass, hip hip hurray,
Come on, friends, bottoms up!
Hip hip hurray, get your glasses
The devil will never catch us
Raise up your glass, hip hip hurray,
Come on, friends, bottoms up!
Fiddler´s Green:
Hip hip hurray, raise up your glass
The devil won't get a hold of us
Raise up your glass, hip hip hurray,
We drink until our final day
Hip hip hurray, raise up your glass
The devil won't get a hold of us
Raise up your glass, hip hip hurray,
We drink until our final day
Hip hip hurra to the steins
The devil will never take us
To the steins hip hip hurra
We drink heavily and we're still here.
Hip hip hurra to the steins
The devil will never take us
To the steins hip hip hurra
We drink heavily and we're still here.
The devil invented Schnaps
So what?
  • 1. far from a literal translation, but I hope I captured the sense of the line
  • 2. Again, far from a literal translation, but I hope I captured the sense of the line
  • 3. credits to user ubertoad for translating the russian lyrics for me
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ubertoadubertoad    So, 06/04/2014 - 18:22

As for the russian translation (it is surely a rhymed translation of the refrain):
Hip hip hurray, get your glasses
The devil will never catch us
Raise up your glass, hip hip hurray,
Come on, friends, bottoms up!