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  • Marisa Monte

    Gotas de Luar → Übersetzung auf Englisch

Sprachen tauschen

Drops of Moonlight

Brazilian Portuguese - > English
If only I could steal
the drops of moonlight
that I saw gleaming
in your eyes
I then would keep that enchantment
with me to trim my weeping
at the time we bid farewell
I know that so soon
you will forget about me
I know I will suffer
in due to my passion
I should leave you
But I will keep going on
just to punish [my heart]

Gotas de Luar

Klicken, um den Originaltext zu sehen (Portugiesisch)

Marisa Monte: Top 3
Don JuanDon Juan
   Mo, 05/12/2016 - 18:16

The base lyrics have been altered, please check if your translation needs any update.