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  • Angelika Milster

    Hast du Liebe gesagt → Übersetzung auf Englisch

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Did you say Love

"This night is so nice and my heart is ready
To love you, you say very quietly
"Let me stay tonight and we'll start together
The most beautiful discovery journey"
Your hand is seeking the way your look knows well
Spring on my skin
Did you say "Love" or did I dream?
Say it again to me more softly
Did you say love and it meant honestly
Then the sky isn't far from here anymore
Through the starry night we both come to you
Since I cannot resist you
My mind doesn't say "no" and my heart is so easy
Today I let it happen to us
I've already known you for so long, but just today is in me
Nostalgia for you is awakening
Did you say "Love" or did I dream?
Say it again to me more softly
Did you say love and it meant honestly
Then the sky isn't far from here anymore
Then our sky isn't far from here anymore

Hast du Liebe gesagt

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