Russland führt einen schändlichen Krieg gegen die Ukraine.     Stehen Sie an der Seite der Ukraine!
Sprachen tauschen

幾千の迷宮で 幾千の謎を解いて

幾千の迷宮で 幾千の謎を解いて
真実(ほんとう)の姿(ぼく) 戻れたなら
僕は瞬きもわかるほど そばにいるのに
すぐそこまで迫る脅威 深くなる闇
メビウスの輪 廻り続け 抜け出せなくて
幾千の迷宮で 幾千の謎を解いて
近くにいて でも遠くて 君と交わらない
いつまでも続く 不確かな未来でも
まだ見えない出口求め 走り続けるから
どんなに迷っても 君を見つけるから
真実(ほんとう)の姿(ぼく) 戻れたなら

In Thousands of Labyrinths, Solved Thousands of Mysteries

In thousands of labyrinths, solved thousands of mysteries
And if I come back to my real self
I would tell you all about this secret
I am watching you, you look so lonely observing the sky
I am by your side, stop closing your eyes
Because the threat approaches us in deep darkness
Can't get of this Mobius' ring
Where is the answer?
In thousands of labyrinths, solved thousands of mysteries
Even though I'm close to you, I'm still so far from you
It still an uncertain future, it may last forever
But I'll keep running to find the invisible exit
No matter how much time, I will find you back!
And if I come back to my real self
I would tell you all about those feelings