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Never have I ever

Today Albert arrives on point
he gives me the cava* and I put it in the fridge.
And then Hèctor and Clara arrive
bringing their little girl sleeping on the stroller.
And I open the door to Judit
"You're all by yourself today, I love your dress!"
And then the whole gang's together,
I bring out dinner when we're at the table.
"A delicious supper"; "I'll have a taste of the wine"
"Who wants coffe?"; "There's gin and tonic too".
And we play the game we played all those summer nights
"Don't be so loud, the girl's still sleeping!"
And Hèctor says:
"Never have I ever wished I could give Judit a kiss"
And adds: "Never have I ever wished I could leave my husband".
Everybody looks at me and no one drinks.
And that poisoned dart
has struck my heart.
And I admit it,
and I drink.
And then everyone's suddenly laughing
but Judit raises her glass, looks at me, and says:
"Never have I ever thought I'd be happier by your side".
"Never have I ever thought I'd be happier by your side".
And I freeze, and she drinks.

Jo mai mai

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macfaddenmacfadden    So, 13/09/2015 - 20:09

The translation looks quite good. The only mistake I saw was in the translation of "jo mai mai he desitjat que deixés el seu marit." This means "never have I ever wished she would leave her husband," not "never have I ever wished I could leave my husband." 'Deixés' is the first and third person singular of the imperfect subjunctive, but in this case you can tell it is the third person singular that is meant because it is followed by "el seu marit" not "el meu marit."

Then, I just have a few nit-picky things, little things that would make it sound a little more natural in English:
- "asleep in the stroller" for "dormida en el cotxet" (not "on the stroller")
- "the whole gang trickles in" for "Va arribant tota la colla"
- "I take a sip" rather than "I drink." That's what the original says, and I think it sounds better in English, too.
- "the baby's sleeping" for "que la nena dorm" ('girl' suggests an older child, but their daughter is in a stroller)

But, like I said, those things are just little stylistic suggestions. If you fix the line about Judit leaving her husband, let me know and I will update my rating.