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  • Julien Clerc

    La Cavalerie → Übersetzung auf Englisch

Sprachen tauschen

The cavalry

Whenever I see the wild bikes
That cross our villages
Coming from California
From Flanders or from Paris
whenever I see the flying sports cars
The fawn leather and the chromium
That cross my country
In metal and noise
Me, I'm thinking of the cavalry
Me, I'm thinking of the cavalry
When the storm goes away
When the heavy dust falls down
And as the country sinks
In sleep and boredom
Like in the epic movies
At the most critical moments
When all collapses in my life
When all seems compromised
Me, I'm hearing the cavalry
Me, I'm thinking of the cavalry
One day I'll hit the road
To elsewhere at all costs
I'll cross the night
To join the cavalry
I'll have at last all the courage
It will be my heritage
And I'll abolish the boredom
Through a new chivalry
Me, I'm thinking of the cavalry
Me, I'm thinking of the cavalry

La Cavalerie

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Idiome in „La Cavalerie“
evfokasevfokas    Sa, 22/02/2014 - 11:51

Thanks for your translation. Some suggestions:
Quand je vois les motos sauvages > whenever I see the hog/monster/wild/savage bikes
Venues de Californie > coming from California
Quand je vois filer les bolides > whenever I see the flying/speeding/spinning muscle cars/firebirds/fast cars/fireballs/sports cars/etc
et les cuivres > and the chromium
Dans le métal et le bruit > in metal and noise OR full of metal and noise
Et que sombre le pays > And as the country sinks
films héroïques > epic movies
Moi j'entends > Me, I'm hearing
Moi je pense > Me, I'm thinking
je prendrai la route > I'll hit the road
tous les courages > all the courage
héritage > heritage
Dans une nouvelle chevalerie > through a novel/new chivalry