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  • Miguel Ríos

    El Juglar → Übersetzung auf Englisch

Sprachen tauschen

El Juglar

Juglar por tradición al servicio de un dueño,
tomó la decisión de testificar la verdad.
Con su viejo laúd recorrió los caminos
viviendo del favor, gozando con la libertad.
Consciente de su voz, contento con su causa,
su canto en defensa habló de la oprimida masa.
Y de la historia fue un imparcial testigo
que quiso componer versos para la igualdad.
Pero el Corregidor nunca sintió lo mismo
y se lo demostró privándole de libertad.
Cautivo por traición se le ofreció clemencia
a condición de que su voz cambiara de conciencia.
Y el juglar se vendió salvando así su vida
y su canto adornó de viejas mentiras.
Su dueño le dictó como escribir la historia
haciéndole cambiar miserias por glorias.
En su romance habló con verso partidista y
a cambio, su señor, le dio gran fama como artista.

The minstrel

Minstrel by tradition to the service of a master,
he took the decision of testifying the truth.
With his old lute he walked through the roads
living of the favors, enjoying the freedom.
Conscious of his voice, happy with his cause,
his song in defense spoke about the oppressed masses.
And he was an impartial witness of the history
who wanted to write verses for equality.
But the chief magistrate never felt the same
and he showed it taking away his freedom.
Captive by betrayal they offered him clemency
in exchange that his voice change his conscience.
And the minstrel sold himself saving his life
and he adorned his song with old lies.
His master dictated him how to write the history
making him change miseries with glories.
In his romance he spoke with partisan verse and
in turn, his master gave him great fame as an artist.
Miguel Ríos: Top 3