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Sprachen tauschen

Nema, nema, sreće nema

Ja ljubim najlepše žene
uvek u pogrešno vreme
nijedna ljubav mi nije
dugo trajala
Kad treba onda me neće
onda kafane me leče
a ti me sretneš baš onda
kada ne treba
Uđeš u stan oko sedam
glumiš i misliš da ne znam
vidim da nisi ni svijestan
kako izgledaš
Mogu i ja da poludim
al' noćas ipak se trudim
da stvari dođu na svoje
za nas oboje
Ref. 2x
Nema, nema, sreće nema
loše mi se sprema
uvek glupost napravim
to mogu bez problema
noćas me je samo piće lečilo
od bola tražio si druge
al' mi nisu ni do pola
Na tvojoj škali sam nula
o meni loše si čula
a ti si jedina bila
što me smirilia
Kad treba onda me neće
onda kafane me leče
a ti me sretneš baš onda
kada ne treba
Nema te nema do sedam
svejedno na tebe ne dam
i znam da nisi baš sretan
k'o što izgledaš
Imam i ja loše dane
dođi poljubi mi rane
nije ni meni baš lako
boli svakako
Ref. 2x

There's no, there's no happiness

I'm always kissing the most beautiful women
at the wrong time
No love has
last long
When I need it, they don't want me
than pubs are healing me
and exactly then you met me
when you shouldn't
You enter the apartment about seven (o'clock)
you act and you think I don't know
I see that you're not even aware
how you look
I also know how to kiss
but tonight I'm trying
that everything comes to its prey
for us both
Chorus 2x:
There's no, there's no happiness
something bad is preparing for me
I always ruin it
I can do it with no problem
tonight only the drinks healed me
because of the pain you looked for other (women)
but no one is even half of me
On your scale I'm a zero
you heard bad things about me
and you where the only one
that calmed me
When I need it, they don't want me
than pubs are healing me
and exactly then you met me
when you shouldn't
You enter the apartment about seven (o'clock)
you act and you think I don't know
I see that you're not even aware
how you look
I also have bad days
come and kiss my wounds
it's not easy for me
it hurts anyways
Chorus 2x
Neda Ukraden: Top 3