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  • Saša Matić

    Nista nije zauvek → Übersetzung auf Englisch

Sprachen tauschen

Nista nije zauvek

Ja sam čovek od mesa i krvi
Nisam zadnji a nisam ni prvi
Što bi umro zbog lepote i išao do Golgote
samo da bi nekog voleo.
Što bi umro zbog lepote i išao do Golgote
da te voli nije nije smeo.
Ja dao bih ti ceo vek jer ništa nije zauvek
ti imala si drugi plan
da sa mnom budeš jedan dan.
Ni prstom nisi maknula ni nož u ruke uzela
a ja već mrtav pao sam
jer srcem si me ubila.
Svako je vladar svoje sudbine.
Sa tom se greškom čovek valjda rodi.
I ne znam što sam mislio
da opet mogu biti mlad
kad ne lista stari vinograd.

Nothing lasts forever

I am a man made of flesh and blood
I'm not the last neither the first
Why would I die because of beauty and go to Golgotha
Just so I'd love somebody
Why would I die because of beauty and go to Golgotha
He shouldn't have loved you
I'd give you a lifetime because nothing lasts forever
You had another plan
to be with me for one day
You didn't move a finger nor took a knife in hands
and I already fell dead
because you killed me with heart
Everyone is a ruler of their destiny
Perhaps a man gets born with that mistake
And I don't know why I was thinking
that I can be young again
when the old vineyard doesn't leaf
Saša Matić: Top 3