Russland führt einen schändlichen Krieg gegen die Ukraine.     Stehen Sie an der Seite der Ukraine!
Korrekturlesen gesucht
Sprachen tauschen

Od druga do druga

Od druga do druga
od drage do drage
od grada do grada
provodim vijek
Rasut u komade
vezan samo pjesmom
sebi i zivotu
tražim smisao i lijek
Od druga do druga
od drage do drage
od grada do grada
provodim vijek
Sa mukom pod rukom
tražimo nadu u padu
a gađa me aplauz
gađa me smijeh
Ponekad mislim na ono vrijeme
svi računi kad se svode
i kad sunce mirno zaspi
kad presahnu moje vode
Tad ću morat' i ja stati
možda i ja u kafani
uzalud ću pjesmom zvati
da se vrate ovi dani

From a friend to a friend

From a friend to a friend
From a darling to a darling
From a town to a town
I spend my life
Scattered in pieces
I am tied only with a song
I am seeking the sense
For me and my life
From a friend to a friend
From a darling to a friend
From a town to a town
I spend my life
With the sadness under my arm
We seek for hope in the downfall
But the applause stones me
The laughter stones me
Sometimes I think of those days
When all accounts are reduced
And when the sun falls asleep in peace
When my water dried up
Then I will have to stop
Maybe I will go in the tavern
I will call with song in vain
To return back those days
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Miladin Šobić: Top 3