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  • Zdravko Čolić

    Ona spava → Übersetzung auf Englisch

Sprachen tauschen

Ona spava

Poput zvijezda, poput trava
i tišine što nas spaja,
poput rana što nas bole,
poput djece što se vole,
Ona spava, ona spava,
ona spava, spava, spava,
ona spava.
Nikad više snene oči,
nikad više crne kose,
nikad više noge bose što je nose,
što je nose
neće vidjet' smiraj dana
ona spava, ona spava.
Nek umuknu sva zvona,
da ne zvone, da ne zvone
ustrijelite sve ptice,
da ne lete, da ne lete
i okujte sva mora
da ne šume, da ne šume.
Pustite je neka spava,
neka spava, spava, spava
neka spava.
Pustite je neka spava,
neka spava, spava, spava
neka spava.

She is sleeping

Just like the stars, just like the grass
And the silences that connect us
Like the wounds that hurt us
Like the children that love each other
She is sleeping....she sleeps...
Never again the sleepy eyes
Never again the black hair
Never again the bare feet that carry her
That carry her
She will never see the twilight
She is sleeping...
Let all bells be silent
Let them not ring, let them not ring
Shoot all the birds
So they don't fly, that they won't fly
Lock up all the seas
that they won't make a sound
Let her go, let her sleep...