Russland führt einen schändlichen Krieg gegen die Ukraine.     Stehen Sie an der Seite der Ukraine!
  • Alejandro Fernández

    Promesa → Übersetzung auf Englisch

Sprachen tauschen


I wish to ask to God
an extension for my life
to be forever with you
and to love you all my life
I am just a poor beggar
and I have a witness in God
and I ask Him in my knees
that your love stays with me
I could never imagine
what you mean to me
you are the sun in my life
the one that lights my existence
Today I make you a promise
and I will keep it
I am an slave of your life
I live just for you
I wish to ask to God
an extension for my life
to be forever with you
and to love you all my life, all my life
I am just a poor beggar
and I have a witness in God
and I ask Him in my knees
that your love stays with me
I could never imagine
what you mean to me
you are the sun in my life
the one that lights my existence
Today I make you a promise
and I will keep it
I am an slave of your life
I only live just for you
I ask to God
an extension for my life
to be forever with you
and to love you all my life, all my life


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