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  • Flori Mumajesi

    Ka natë ka dhe ditë → Übersetzung auf Italienisch

Sprachen tauschen

Ci sarà la notte, ci sarà il giorno

Ti ho cercata
Fino a quando ti ho trovata, non so,
non mi sono stancato,
no, non ero stanco di questa triste vita...
Voglio averti al mio fianco
Voglio restare sempre con te
Ti sento...
Ti sento ogni secondo che vivo...
Ti accarezzo, ti accarezzo, e i nostri corpi fremono
Ti amo...
Tu non sai quanto ti amo
Questo sentimento senza confini
Tu, angelo, non temere...
Ci sarà la notte, ci sarà il giorno
Io sarò sempre con te.
Una sola vita con te non mi basta
Voglio averti al mio fianco...
Voglio essere per sempre vicino a te
E se tu me lo chiedi.
Ti risponderò tranquillamente
Ascolta questa canzone...
Questo è amore vero
ti amo, ti amo
Se un giorno
Tu non sarai più con me...

Ka natë ka dhe ditë

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Flori Mumajesi: Top 3
CherryCrushCherryCrush    Di, 27/12/2016 - 12:57

Hey, that's a really good try! I have a few suggestions for you (I understand both Albanian and Italian, I just find it easier to explain myself in English :D)

Të prek.. të prek dhe trupat tane drithërojnë - This one is rather "I (am) touch(ing) you, I'm touching you and our bodies thrill" by that touch

Ty sa të dua nuk e di - You don't know how much I love you, this one is wrong in the English translation (some verbs have the same forms for me, you and he/she/it).

"Ka" is either "There is" or "There are", I like your interpretation in the third verse with the future tense, it gives more meaning, but maybe you can add it to the title as well. And actually natë is singular, so it's more "There is a night, and there is also a day"

That's it, great job, especially given the fact that most Albanian lyrics online are really illiterate or contain so many dialect words, so no dictionary can help sometimes.

Carlo AlfieriCarlo Alfieri
   Di, 27/12/2016 - 21:22

CherryCrush (Gloria), thank you for your kind, helpful and encouraging words. I shall modify my translation of “I (am) touch(ing) you, I'm touching you and our bodies thrill" as “Ti accarezzo, ti accarezzo, e i nostril corpi fremono” (I prefer here the verb “accarezzare” because in my view the verb “toccare” is kind of more sexually explicit).
For what concern “You don't know how much I love you” I agree that “Tu non sai quanto ti amo” would be the exact translation, but I still like my “Quanto ti amo non so dire” which is more or less equivalent, but it has the flavor of a poetical rendering. This said, I shall switch to the literal meaning, because I think that in this case it is more useful for Lyrics Translate user to get a faithful translation.
Finally, “Ka nate, ka dhe dite”: considering that you like the future tense, I will take into account the fact that “natë” is singular and I shall translate “Ci sarà la notte, ci sarà il giorno” both in the text and in the title.
Thank you again and I would like to add that I consider a privilege having the opportunity of exchanging comments with you.

CherryCrushCherryCrush    Di, 27/12/2016 - 21:30

You're welcome, glad I was able to help :)

I just suggested what the right meaning in my eyes is, you are always free to use whatever suits your style, if you feel like it sounds better to a native. Since it's your translation, I doubt anyone would get offended if you don't accept all of their suggestions, so don't be afraid to make it sound in the best way to you.

I hope you enjoy your stay with us. Also, you can use the "Request Proofreading" option (from the up right corner of the translation, a green button just above your profile), if you feel like you need some corrections, most members around are more than happy to help. If you have any questions, please let me know :)