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Syrian National Anthem - حُمَاةَ الدِّيَار

حُـماةَ الـدِّيارِ عليكمْ سـلامْ
ّأبَتْ أنْ تـذِلَّ النفـوسُ الكرامّ
عـرينُ العروبةِ بيتٌ حَـرام
وعرشُ الشّموسِ حِمَىً لا يُضَامْ
ربوعُ الشّـآمِ بـروجُ العَـلا
تُحاكي السّـماءَ بعـالي السَّـنا
فأرضٌ زهتْ بالشّموسِ الوِضَا
سَـماءٌ لَعَمـرُكَ أو كالسَّـما
رفيـفُ الأماني وخَفـقُ الفؤادْ
عـلى عَـلَمٍ ضَمَّ شَـمْلَ البلادْ
أما فيهِ منْ كُـلِّ عـينٍ سَـوادْ
ومِـن دمِ كـلِّ شَـهيدٍ مِـدادْ؟
نفـوسٌ أبـاةٌ ومـاضٍ مجيـدْ
وروحُ الأضاحي رقيبٌ عَـتيدْ
فمِـنّا الوليـدُ و مِـنّا الرّشـيدْ
فلـمْ لا نَسُـودُ ولِمْ لا نشـيد؟

Guardians of the Homeland

Guardians of the homeland, upon you be peace,
[our] proud spirits refuse to be humiliated.
The den of Arabism is a sacred sanctuary,
and the throne of the suns is a preserve that will not be subjugated.
The quarters of Levant are towers in height,
which are in dialogue with the zenith of the skies.
A land resplendent with brilliant suns,
becoming another sky or almost a sky.
The flutter of hopes and the beat of the heart,
are on a flag that united the entire country.
Is there not blackness from every eye,
and ink from every martyr's blood?
[Our] spirits are defiant and [our] history is glorious,
and our martyrs' souls are formidable guardians.
From us is "Al-Walid" and from us is "ar-Rashid",
so why wouldn't we prosper and why wouldn't we build?