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Tu ca nun chiagne

Comm'è bella 'a muntagna stanotte!
Bella accussì nun ll'aggio vista maje!
'N'anema pare rassignata e stanca,
Sott' 'a cuperta 'e chesta luna janca.
Tu ca nun chiagne e chiagnere mme faje,
Tu stanotte addò staje?
Voglio a tte!
Voglio a tte!
Chist'uocchie te vonno,
'N'ata vota, vedè.
Comm'è calma 'a muntagna stanotte!
Cchiù calma 'e mo nun ll'aggio vista maje!
E tutto dorme, tutto dorme o more
E i' sulo veglio, pecché veglia ammore.
Tu ca nun chiagne e chiagnere mme faje,
Tu stanotte addò staje?
Voglio a tte!
Voglio a tte!
Chist'uocchie te vonno,
'N'ata vota, vedè.

You who don't cry

How beautiful the mountain is tonight!
so beautiful I have never seen it.
It seems a resigned and weary soul
under the cover of this white moon.
You who don't cry, but make me cry,
you tonight, where are you?
I want you!
I want you!
These eyes want to
see you one more time.
How peaceful the mountain is tonight,
more peaceful than I have ever seen it,
and everything is sleeping, everything is sleeping or dying
and I just keep watch, because love keeps watch.
You who don't cry, but make me cry,
you tonight, where are you?
I want you!
I want you!
These eyes want to
see you one more time.
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Sammlungen mit "Tu ca nun chiagne"
Ferruccio Tagliavini: Top 3
Valeriu RautValeriu Raut
   So, 28/05/2017 - 06:54

How (neautiful) beautiful the mountain is tonight!

Accept comma addition:
You who don't cry, but make me cry,

Thank you Tom for this wonderful Neapolitan song.