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  • Sektor Gaza

    Импотент → Αγγλικά μετάφραση

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С год прошло как у меня он опал
С год прошло как импотентом я стал
Больше женщины мне не нужны
Мне не снятся сексуальные сны.
Я для женского пола бревно,
К этой мысли привык я давно,
Возбудитель меня не берёт,
Не встаёт у меня целый год.
Я его ласкаю,я его болтаю:
Встань, встань, встань!
Но он меня не слышит,
Он лежит не дышит,
Хей, хей, о-о-о-о-о-о!
Я в Чернобыле работал и жил,
И за это медаль получил,
На фига ж мне медаль нужна,
От меня убежала жена!
А ведь раньше как вспомню про секс
У меня из ширинки он лез
Рвались брюки мои по швам
Стояло одеяло как вигвам.
Я хотел удавится на днях,
Но подвела верёвка меня,
Угореть я хотел в другой раз,
Но как назло отключили газ,
Я хотел утопиться в реке,
Найти покой на морском речном песке
Как назло мимо плыл водолаз
Взял меня он и спас пидораc.


A year has passed since he disgraced me
The year went by, as I had become impotent
I don't need anymore women
and I don't have anymore sexual dreams
to women I am just a dead chunk of wood
To this thought i got used long ago
I can't get aroused anymore
Throughout the entire year
I caress him, and tell him:
Get up, get up, get up!
But he won't listen to me
He lies there, not breathing
Hey, hey, ooooh.....
I survived working in Chernobyl
And even got a medal for it
I dont't need your useless medal
my wife ran away from me!
But in fact, as I remember having sex earlier
my willie used to climb out my loins
that my trousers were torn by all seams
I got a wigwam boner (1)
I wanted to kill myself the other day (2)
But the rope failed me once more (3)
And on another occasion, I wanted to gas myself
But as bad luck would have it, I ran out of gas
I wanted to drown myself in the river,
Find rest on the sea river sand
As luck would have it, a diver
Took me and saved my faggot ass..
Συλλογές με "Импотент"
BratBrat    Δευ, 22/01/2018 - 09:07

Ah, what a 'beautiful' song!
There are some lines to be revised:
S2L3 Возбудитель меня не берёт,->No incitant can goad me anymore

S3L1 Я его ласкаю,я его болтаю:-> I caress him, I wag him

S5L4 I got a boner that my pants looked like a wigwam (1)-> I got a boner that [in the morning] my blanket looked like a wigwam (1)

Treugol'nyTreugol'ny    Δευ, 22/01/2018 - 09:36

It's the other way around: The diver is a faggot, because he saved him. The dog wag it's tale. Man just playing with it.

BratBrat    Δευ, 22/01/2018 - 14:05
Kashtanka1965 έγραψε:

The dog wag it's tale. Man just playing with it.

And why then it's called 'a wag'? You may be unaware of something, I'm afraid... ;)

   Δευ, 22/01/2018 - 11:46

про трусы есть другое выражение: гномики в трусах палатку ставят

Treugol'nyTreugol'ny    Δευ, 22/01/2018 - 10:28

Viagra doesn't help me down there,
It doesn't get up a whole year .

BratBrat    Δευ, 22/01/2018 - 14:03

If you do, don't take it to heart. :)

Treugol'nyTreugol'ny    Τρί, 23/01/2018 - 00:17

No chance.. I just couldn't find another word for" vozbuditel'. I don't even know how viagra look like.

BratBrat    Τρί, 23/01/2018 - 06:06
petit élève έγραψε:

"aphrodisiac" or something like that, I suppose? There might be slang terms for that in English, but I don't know any.
As for viagra, given the quantity of cheap counterfeits, I suppose you can find it in all shapes and colors.

But usually it was blue, so that they called it "blue pills". As for another slang words I only know "souping" and "doping" though the last is close to the used "incitant".

Treugol'nyTreugol'ny    Τρί, 23/01/2018 - 07:10

I know why in (Ref) he translated"I tell him" . Boltat' could mean both to talk and to shake (wag).