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Mālō e lelei kaungame'a mei tapa kotoa 'o Maamani
Talitali lelei ka kimoutolu ki he 'otu 'aloha ko Tonga ní
Kole keu hufanga 'i he fakatapu katoa 'o e fonua
Kae'uma'a foki fanga tupu'anga mei mu'a kuoloa
Ke 'ia te kinautolu katoa 'a e melino mo e tonuhia
Mei motu ta'ekaina ko 'Ata ki motu kakai ko 'Uiha.
Tapu mo e tupu'i 'Otua ko Lumi
'Eiki maama
Tapu mo e tupu'i 'Otua ko Kele
'Eiki honua.
Tapu mo e tupu'i 'Otua ko Tangaloa
Tapu mo 'ene 'ohoana ko 'Ilaheva
Tapu mo 'ena 'alo ko 'Aho'eitu
Tonga, Ha'apai, mo Vava'u.
Ke 'ia te kimautolu katoa pē
'A e tau'ataaina mo e mo'ui lelei hake
Pea mo e lelei lahi 'o e kaha'u,
Mālō e tokanga, tu'a 'ofa atu.


Greetings to all you friends from all corners of the earth
I bid you all welcome to the Friendly Islands of Tonga
I seek unity with the land and communion among my ancestors
That they may grant me immunity from my enemies
May peace and justice be with them all
From the deserted isle of 'Ata to the inhabited island of 'Uiha.
My acknowledgement to Lumi:
Lord of Creation
And also to Kele:
Lady of the Earth.
My respects to Tangaloa, God of the ocean-mirrored heavens
And to his consort, the mortal 'Ilaheva
And to their son, the demigod 'Aho'eitu
And to the islands upon which he ruled: Tonga[tapu],1Ha'apai, and Vava'u.
May peace and prosperity
Freedom and long life
And a better tomorrow
Be with us all. Thank you.
  • 1. Tonga is sometimes referred to the biggest island in Tonga, Tongatapu.
SilentRebel83: Κορυφαία 3
   Τετ, 09/09/2015 - 23:04

I just see, that the line:
>"Tapu mo e tupu'i 'Otua ko ..."
appears three times, but is not translated using the same words... (?)

   Πέμ, 10/09/2015 - 08:34

Hello Hansi!
The problem about most Tongan/Oceanic poetry is that it utilizes a sort of an apocryphal form called "heliaki" in which certain stanzas are written in ambiguity to keep the poet's true intentions hidden. However, my own intention is that interpretation is up to those who read my poems -- including the translations I do for them.

But to answer your question, I did translate some of the same lines freely to avoid being repetitious.

Instead of using the literal rendering of "Tapu mo e tupu'i 'Otua ko.." --> '[My] respect/acknowledgement to/for the old God [...]', I would then do away with the first half of the line and say "And to" or "And also to" instead.

If you like, I can make another translation; one that is more literal to the source.

Thank you for bringing this up, by the way. :)

   Παρ, 11/09/2015 - 00:26

would you explain the background?
What's the scene?

I'm not sure...
"I bid you all welcome" - what does it mean?
Is he asking to be accepted as welcome, since he is arriving and indroducing -
(because, that's what I have translated into German)
or is he offering welcome?
In my understanding, only the host can welcome. (the one who just arrives, can't)

   Παρ, 11/09/2015 - 07:59

Hello again, Hans.

I actually had attempted a German translation around the same time I had finished the poem, but it looked terrible lol.
My translation of the line was something like "ich heisse euch/Sie alle willkommen"

No. He is already there and is welcoming those who are arriving. Kinda like when visitors, who arrive to the Hawaiian islands, are greeted with smiles and a shower of leis.