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帰らぬ人達 熱い胸をよぎる
ああ 日本のどこかに私を待ってる人がいる
いい日旅立ち 夕焼けを探しに
ああ 日本のどこかに私を待ってる人がいる
いい日旅立ち 羊雲を探しに
ああ 日本のどこかに私を待ってる人がいる
いい日旅立ち 幸せを探しに

Departure on a fine day

Over the sky, in the North, where snows melt
As I release my dreams of the past
The memory of my missing flits through my hot heart
It's today that all alone, I'm setting off a trip
Ah, somewhere in Japan, someone's waiting for me
Departure on a fine day, in search of dusk
Taking away with me the song I used to hear on my mother's back
At the edge of the cape, a boy is fishing
Will he come back via the green grass lane?
In order to form my first memories
I'm going to write "good-bye" on the sand with a piece of wood
Ah, somewhere in Japan, someone's waiting for me
Departure on a fine day, in search of sheep clouds
Taking away with me the song I knew from my father
Ah, somewhere in Japan, someone's waiting for me
Departure on a fine day, in search of happiness
Taking away with me the song I used to sing as a child
snoriosnorio    Δευ, 31/01/2011 - 09:10

Hi maëlstrom. looks like you are very busy. Just a few comments
The author of this song is Shinji Tanimura(谷村 新司)
羊雲 is not merely small clouds. English has the same word "sheep cloud" which, I guess, means the same thing: a cluster of small puffy clouds, looking like a herd of sheep as a whole.

   Δευ, 31/01/2011 - 09:25

Hi snorio, thanks for explaining me about 羊雲. In my dictionary, they translate it as 'floccus', which is rather a technical term and would not be used in songs, and to be honest, I didn't 'sheep clouds' "^^ thanks again, I've edited my translation.
As for Shinji Tanimura, has this person ever sung the song or they only wrote it? I need to know because the "artist" must normally the first person who sang it.

snoriosnorio    Δευ, 31/01/2011 - 09:37

Yes he sang the song many times. But it was first sung by 'Momoe Yamaguchi' (山口 百恵).
For your information, it was written as a campaign song for Japan Rail. But most people sing it without knowing the fact now.

   Δευ, 31/01/2011 - 09:43

thanks a lot, I'm very glad you can help me like this :)