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  • Eminem

    Maxine → Κροατικά μετάφραση

Μέγεθος γραμματοσειράς
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[Intro: Maxine & Denuan Porter]
Can I speak to Maxine?
Yeah, this is me, what's up?
What up?
Who dis?
Yeah, what's up?
What are you doing?
Nothing, just laying in bed
Nothing, just laying in bed
I don't know, thinking about something freaky to do
[Verse 1: Eminem]
I know this crack fiend, Maxine, who needs a vaccine
She tests positive, but tells you that her act's clean
Plus she got a sugar daddy
Gassin' every hooker that he takes in to crook her badly
If you mistook her, sadly, on her reputation
You're in jeopardation, if you ain't got no preparation
When you stepped away, son, she got her face done
Lookin' provocative, she'll let you knock it if
You press the issue, and get undressed to kiss you
If you match the price, otherwise she won't look at you twice
But when you catch the lice, or get the urgency
To go to the emergency ‘cause it burns to pee
Don't bring your germs to me, ‘cause I ain't tryna hear it
While you're fightin' your fuckin' disease, tryna clear it
[Verse 2: Kon Artis]
Sometimes I wonder, what's your purpose in life?
That is to get with every brother
And unveil one of his kids
Shit, you livin' trife
Got three kids at home, and club-hoppin' every night
You say it's gonna stop
But it just… slows… down…
And then speeds back to a regular pace
There is no end to this
Mystery, whatever your reason even is to be
You say you wanna be with me, but how can you say that
When you got niggas hidin' in your closet?
I refrain from gettin' angry
But you keep on actin' strangely
[Verse 3: 3]
I met this girl last week
She was a freak, and she liked me
So I stepped on it and then asked my homies
And chilled on the side and then watched they niggas
Big game over there and take notes, while I get this number
I stepped to her, first I cleared my throat
And said: "Hey, bitch, haven't I seen you before?"
Looked at my nigga, turned around and got slapped
Throughout my hands, and said: "Oh, it's like that?"
She said she just broke up with her nigga and shit
She started cryin', and asked me to forgive her and shit
She said her name was Maxine
So I told her I wanted her number
She asked could I give her mine too
Got to the crib and called her up
We got into a good conversation
That's when she asked me could I fuck
I said: "Maxine, check this out
Give me your address I'll be through and you'll find out."
Got to the crib, she let me in
She didn't waste time, she grabbed my hand
And proceeded to the bedroom
I said "Hold up, and stop proceedin', you rushin' things"
What the fuck are you doin'?
So I went for my protection
Took off my clothes and started flexin'
As she went for my midsection
I threw her down as I tore off her shirt
Pulled out my jimmy and I thought about puttin' in work
Before I hit it she said: "3, don't get mad
But there's somethin' that I gotta tell your ass."
I said "What is it? Another nigga? It's okay."
She said: "No I forgot to tell you
That I got AIDS, I got a problem."
[Outro: Maxine & Denaun Porter]
Hey, Maxine
You thinkin' about suckin' my dick?
Yeah, for a small price
For a small price? What you mean?
You know, money, nigga
You don't need no damn money; I can't give you no money anyways, I heard you got some shit
What you, what you hear I got?
Who told you that bullshit?
My nigga Kyu, he wouldn't lie
Well, if that's the case, Kyu got it then
Oh for real, it's like that?
Well, I ain't got shit, so he ain't got shit
And if he do, he ain't get that shit from me
I ain't fuckin' around with no third nigga
Fuck that, I ain't fuckin' with you
No, see…
You got that shit, I ain't gotta fuck with you
Hold on, why it ain't even like that
I want y'all to get paid, fuckin'


Maxine!! (telefon zvoni)
Maxine: Halo
Denaun: Mogu li razgovarati s Maxine?
Maxine: Ja sam, što je?
Denaun: Što ima?
Maxine: Tko je to?
Denaun: Denaun
Maxine: Hej, što ima?
Denaun: Što radiš?
Maxine: Ništa, samo ležim u krevetu
Denaun: A?
Maxine: Ništa, samo ležim u krevetu
Denaun: Zašto?
Maxine: Ne znam, razmišljam što bih perverzno radila
(Prva kitica - Eminem)
Znam tu drogerašicu Maxine, kojoj treba cjepivo
Pozitivna je na testu, ali kaže da je čista
A ima i svodnika
Koji laže svakoj novoj kurvi da bi je mogao pokrasti
Da je zamijeniš, to bi bilo loše za njen ugled
U opasnosti si ako ne nosiš zaštitu
Kad se odmakneš, ona popravlja lice
Izgleda izazovno, dat će ti da je kresneš ako joj
Riješiš novčane probleme, i skinuti se da te poljubi
Ako pogodiš cijenu, inače te neće ni pogledati
Ali ako dobiješ uši ili budeš trebao
Otići na hitnu jer pišanje peče,
Ne donosi mi svoje bacile, jer ne želim to čuti
Dok s ti boriš s jebenom bolesti i pokušavaš je izliječiti (Maxine!!)
(Druga kitica - Denaun)
Ponekad se pitam - koji je smisao tvog života? Očito
Spavati sa svakim likom i roditi mu dijete, u kurac
Tvoj život je dno, imaš troje djece, a svaku noć si po klubovima
Kažeš da će to prestati, ali samo uspori
I onda se opet vrati u prvu brzinu, nema kraja
Misterija, koji god je tvoj razlog za to
Kažeš da želiš biti sa mnom, ali kako možeš to reći
Kad skrivaš druge tipove u ormaru
Suzdržavam se od ljutnje, ali ti nastavljaš s tim
(Treća kitica - Three)
Upoznao sam tu curu prošli tjedan, bila je perverzna i svidio sam joj se
Pa sam poduzeo prvi korak i pitao drugove
I odmarao sa strane i gledao kako oni
Bilježe, dok ja uzimam broj
Prišao sam joj, pročistio grlo i rekao: "Alo, pičko
Jesam li te već vidio?" pogledao svog druga,
Okrenuo se i dobio udarac po ruci
I rekao: "Tako znači?"
Rekla je da je upravo prekinula s tipom i ta sranja
Počela je plakati i tražila da joj oprostim i ta sranja
Rekla je da se zove Maxine pa sam je pitao za broj
Pitala je može li i ona dobiti moj
Otišao sam kući i nazvao je
Lijepo smo popričali i onda me pitala da li dobro jebem
Rekao sam: "Maxine, pazi ovo
Daj mi svoju adresu, doći ću, pa otkrij"
Došao sam do gajbe, uvela me
Nije gubila vrijeme, zgrabila me za ruku i produžila prema spavaćoj sobi
Rekao sam: "Čekaj, zaustavi se, brzaš"
Koji kurac radiš?
Pa sam otišao po zaštitu, skinuo odjeću i počeo se naprezati
Kad se ona dograbila mojih prepona
Bacio sam je dolje i rastrgao joj majicu
Izvukao kokota i spremao se krenuti na posao
Prije nego sam je kresnuo, rekla je:
"Three, nemoj se ljutiti, ali moram ti nešto reći"
Rekao sam: "Što je, drugi tip? U redu je"
Rekla je: "Ne, zaboravila sam ti reći, imam sidu"
Digao sam se i otišao
Denaun: Hej, Maxine
Maxine: Što?
Denaun: Bi li mi popušila kurac?
Maxine: Da, za malu cijenu
Denaun: Za malu cijenu? Na što misliš?
Maxine: Novac, čovječe
Denaun: Ne treba ti novac, jebote
Ionako ti ga ne mogu dati, čuo sam da imaš nešto
Maxine: (smije se) Što si čuo da imam?
Denaun: Sidu
Maxine: (smije se) Tko ti je ispričao to sranje?
Denaun: Moj prijo Kyu, ne bi mi lagao
Maxine: E ako je tako, Kyu je dobio sidu
Denaun: Stvarno, znači tako je?
Maxine: (smije se) E pa ja je nemam
Pa je nema ni on, a ako ima, nije je dobio od mene
Ne jebem se okolo s kim stignem
Denaun: Jebo to, neću se jebati s tobom
Maxine: Ne, gledaj..
Denaun: Imaš to sranje, neću se jebati s tobom
Maxine: Čekaj, uopće nije tako..
Denaun: Svima vama želim da vam se vrati, jebo vas
Maxine: (smije se dok telefon poklapa)
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Συλλογές με "Maxine"
Eminem: Κορυφαία 3
Idioms from "Maxine"