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    Que i avè ombra → Αγγλικά μετάφραση

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Que i avè ombra

Que i avè pagalha en cada còrn,
N’èra pas com a l’aeropòrt,
On lo dehens qu’ei com dehòra,
On ès tostemps a espiar l’òra,
Parets de calhaus e tèrra,
Qui saben guardar las istoèras
Au caut l’ivèrn, au fresc l’estiu,
Tot qu’èra viu.
En casa d’on avem viscut,
Que i avè ombra, que i avè ombra,
Ombra devath, lo teit dessús,
Que i avè ombra, e chic de lutz.
Jo qu’èri mainat, qu’avi esquiçat,
Ena crampa lo papèr pintrat,
Tà har ua carta de l’Africa,
Un dia de maishanta gripa,
Tà poder traucar lo cèu,
La frèbe qu’a un gran batèu,
E dus cohats, anar tornar,
N’èra pas car .
Ací que s’apèra « A tien-te dret »,
E jo qu’espii dançar lo huec
Sus la fotò d’un vielh amic
Qui viatjè libre hens un eslit,
Lo chegrin qu’ei petita causa,
Qu’ei lo bonur qui s’arrepausa,
O lo contrari, per bèth còp,
N’at sèi pas tròp.

There Were Shadows

It was a mess in every corner,
It wasn’t like the airport,
Where the inside is like the outside,
Where one is always checking the time,
Walls of pebbles and dirt,
Which know how to keep stories
Warm in winter, fresh in the summer,
Everything was alive.
In the house where we lived,
There were shadows, there were shadows,
Shadows below, the roof above,
There were shadows, and little light.
I was a child, I tore,
In the room, the wallpaper,
To make a map of Africa,
A day when I had a horrible flu,
To be able to pierce the sky,
The fever has a great boat,
And two slaps, round trip,
Wasn’t expensive.
Here it’s called, “To stand up straight,”
And I see the fire dancing
On the photo of an old friend
Who travelled for free in an avalanche,
Unhappiness is a little thing,
It’s happiness which stays,
Or the contrary, sometimes
I don’t really know.
Nadau: Κορυφαία 3
Simon CoudercSimon Couderc    Δευ, 30/07/2018 - 13:09

"It's happiness which stays" seems off to me, I think it's more "It's happiness that takes a rest"