Russia is waging a disgraceful war on Ukraine.     Σταθείτε με την Ουκρανία!
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This house which you no longer are here...
Is my hell
An uncompleted life which you left...
Is my consolation
My tears don't flow anymore
My tears are yours
Look, kids are not laughing anymore
Sin of this is mine
Ooh, inside of me
My collapsing face while you go...
Is my impotence
Every single paving stone which you step on...
Is your murder
Not stopping, it is not stoping anymore
Time is my disaster
Taking life everyday, giving a new day
Hope is my poison
Ooh, inside of me
There is a broken life,
...a lost, exhausted heart,
...a burned, defeated love inside of me
There is a pitch-dark feeling,
...a crying out voice
...a entrusted breath inside of me
Ooh, inside of me is always..
Πρωτότυποι στίχοι


Στίχοι τραγουδιού (Τουρκικά)

Cem Adrian: Κορυφαία 3