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Sen yig‘lama

Nega bugun, jonim, sening ko‘zlaringda yosh?
Nega bugun ko‘rinmaydi chehrangda quyosh?
Nahot qolmadi qalbingda hech qanday quvonch?
Nahot yo‘qoldi yurakda sevgiga ishonch?
Nahot shunchalik yovuz bo‘lsa bu dunyo?
Nahot bir umr hayot o‘tsa bevafo?
N a q a r o t:
Sen o‘ylama, sen yig‘lama, yuragingni qiynama,
Bu azoblar o‘tib ketar sen ko‘z ochib yumguningcha.
Sen o‘ylama, sen yig‘lama, yuragingni qiynama,
Axir hayot hali oldinda, baxting toparsan albatta!
Hali kutar seni, jonim, quvonchli kunlar,
Sen uchun yonar osmonda baxtli yulduzlar,
Yana uyg‘onar qalbingda orzu-umidlar,
Yana uyg‘onar yurakda o‘sha tuyg‘ular,
Asli shunchalik yovuz emas bu dunyo,
Aslo bir umr hayot o‘tmas bevafo...
N a q a r o t: ......
Asli shunchalik yovuz emas bu dunyo,
Aslo bir umr hayot o‘tmas bevafo...
N a q a r o t: ......

Don't You Cry

Why today, dear, there's tear in your eyes?
Why today the sun isn't seen in your face?
Or else there's no joy existing in your heart?
Or else did it disappear, the belief of love?
Or else is this world that cruel?
Or else could you live being disloyal?
Don't you think, don't you cry, don't you cut yourself to the quick
These torments passes by in leaps and bounds
Don't you think, don't you cry, don't you cut yourself to the quick
You have a lifetime ahead, you'll find the fortune for sure
In the future waiting for you, dear, cheerful days
Delighted stars shine for you in your grapevine
Those desires and hopes reemerge in your heart
In point of fact this world is not that bad
Not on any account you cannot live being disloyal...
In point of fact this world's not that bad
Not on any account you cannot live being disloyal...
Idioms from "Sen yig‘lama"
   Τρί, 18/08/2015 - 16:11

Türkçe çevirideki "asman" sözcüğü "gökyüzü" anlamına geliyor.