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There is no sin I have done

Verse 1
There is no sin that I have done
That has such height and breadth
It can't be washed in Jesus' blood
Or covered by His death
There is no spot that still remains
No cause to hide my face
For He has stooped to wash me clean
And covered me with grace
Verse 2
There is no wrath that I will know
No wormwood and no gall
For though such wounds and grief I earned
My Savior bore them all
There is no work that I must add
To stand before His throne
I only plead His life and death
Sufficient on their own
Verse 3
There is no love that I desire
But Jesus' warm embrace
While now I know His love by faith
I long to see His face
There is no song that I will sing
No melody but this
That my Beloved He is mine
For He has made me His

No Hay Pecado Que Haya Cometido

Verso 1
No hay pecado que haya cometido
Que sea tan alto y ancho
Que no pueda ser lavado por la sangre de Jesús
O cubierto por su muerte
No hay lugar que siga siendo
Motivo algo para ocultar mi rostro
Porque Él se ha rebajado para limpiarme
Y cubrirme con su gracia
Verso 2
No hay ira que conoceré
No hay ajenjo y hiel
Porque aunque estas heridas y dolor me las he ganado
Mi Salvador las cargó todas
No hay ningún obra que deba añadir
Para estar delante de Su trono
Yo sólo proclamaré Su vida y Su muerte
Suficientes por sí solas
Verso 3
No hay amor que desee
Mas aquél del de Jesús
Aunque ahora sé de Su amor por fe
Anhelo ver su rostro
No hay ninguna canción que cante
No melodía pero la suya
Que mi Amado, que Él es mío
Porque Él me ha hecho suyo