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We Could Be The Same

You could be the one in my dreams
You could be much more than you seem
Anything I wanted in life
Do you understand what I mean?
I can see that this could be faith
I can love you more than they hate
Doesn't matter who they will blame
We can beat them at their own game
I can see it in your eyes
It doesn't come as a surprise
I see you dancing like a star
No matter how different we are
For all this time, I've been loving you
Don't even know your name
For just one night we could be the same
No matter what they say
And I feel I'm turning the page
And I feel the world is a stage
I don't think that drama will stop
I don't think they'll give up the rage
But I know the world could be great
I can love you more than they hate
Doesn't matter who they will blame
We can beat them at their own game
I can see it in your eyes
It doesn't come as a surprise
I see you dancing like a star
No matter how different we are
For all this time, I've been loving you
Don't even know your name
For just one night we could be the same
No matter what they say
For all this time, I've been loving you
Don't even know your name
For just one night we could be the same
No matter what they say, no matter what they say
No matter what they say
We could be the same
No matter what they say

Am putea fi la fel

Ai putea fi cea din visele mele
Ai putea fi mai mult decat pari
Tot ceea ce voiam in viata
Tu vezi ceea ce eu vreau sa spun?
Vad ca asta ar putea deveni credinta
Iubirea mea poate este mai puternica decat ura lor
Putin conteaza pe cine vor rani ei
Ii putem bate cu jocul lor propriu
Vad asta in ochii tai
Nu este nimic surprinzator
Te vad dansand ca o stea
Putin conteaza diferenta dintre noi
In tot acest timp
Te iubesc
Nu iti cunosc nici macar numele
Decat o noapte
Am putea fi la fel
Orice ar zice oamenii
Si am impresia ca intoarcem foaia
Si am impresia ca toata lumea este o scena
Ma indoiesc ca aceasta drama s-ar putea opri
Ma indoiesc ca furia lor poate slabi
Dar stiu ca lumea ar putea fi mai buna
Iubirea mea poate fi mai puternica decat ura lor
Putin conteaza pe cine vor rani ei
Ii putem bate cu jocul lor propriu
Vad asta in ochii tai
Nu este nimic surprinzator
Te vad dansand ca o stea
Putin conteaza diferenta dintre noi
(refren x2)
Orice ar zice oamenii
Orice ar zice oamenii
Am putea fi la fel
Orice ar zice oamenii
   Παρ, 31/07/2020 - 17:49

The source lyrics have been updated. Please review your translation.

Missing chorus added at the end.
Lines division slightly changed.