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  • Japanese Folk

    島原地方の子守唄 → English translation

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何んの梨やら 何んの梨やら
色気なしばよ しょうかいな
早よ寝ろ泣かんで おろろんばい
鬼の池久助どんの 連れん来らるばい
と芋めしゃ 粟ん飯
と芋めしゃ 粟ん飯
黄金飯ばよ しょうかいな
嫁ごん紅んな 誰がくれた
つばつけたなら あったかろう
バテレン祭りの バテレン祭りの
笛や太鼓も 鳴りやんだ
早よ寝ろ泣かんで おろろんばい
早よ寝ろ泣かんで おろろんばい
早よ寝ろ泣かんで おろろんばい

The Lullaby of Shimabara

I was raised in Shimabara
I was raised in Shimabara
In the village of Nashinoki
What is missing?
What is missing in Nashinoki?
Womanly charm is missing in Nashinoki
Oh is that so?
Don't cry baby, go to sleep
Or Kyusuke from the demon pond
Will come and take you away
Why don't you drop in at my house on your way home.
Why don’t you drop in at my house on your way home.
Even if my house is just a miserable shack
Taro-rice is in fact taro-millet
Taro-rice is in fact taro-millet
Millet looks like rice in the color of gold
Oh is that so?
Who gave you the bride's lipstick?
It will make you warm when you put it on.
The lights of Shiranui far out at sea
The lights of Shiranui far out at sea
Would die out and burn again
The sound of fluites and drums
Of the Jesuit festival
Has now died out too.
Don't cry baby, go to sleep
Don't cry baby, go to sleep
tonyltonyl    Fri, 28/10/2016 - 20:39

And can you please explain the following: ?
(for someone who's learning Japanese)
And this if you have time:
つばつけたなら あったかろう

   Sat, 29/10/2016 - 12:12

The word「おどん」means 「私」in Kyushu, an island in the west of Japan.
I guess 「おどん」becomes「おどみゃ」or 「おどま」when it is connected with「は」to make the subject「私は」.
The word 「おどま」 appears in the lyrics of "The Lullaby of Itsuki" which I translated into English and French.
In the same way「帰りにゃ」should be a modified form of 「帰りには」
I think 「おろろんバイ」is something like a prayer or a magical word without meaning.
「つばつけたならあったかろう」means word by word that it will be warm if you put saliva on it. I am not sure what it means exactly.

tonyltonyl    Fri, 28/10/2016 - 20:43

Again, infinite thanks ! This one I really couldn't understand almost anything out of.

tonyltonyl    Sun, 01/01/2017 - 13:16

I like it.

不知火 is a nice word.

Or Kyusuke from the demon pond* (how you wrote it sounds a bit weird to me)

(the comment I had, I deleted the rating since I don't know japanese and I guess it should be kept for people who do)