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Original lyrics

Le déserteur lyrics

Monsieur le Président
Je vous fais une lettre
Que vous lirez peut-être
Si vous avez le temps.
Je viens de recevoir
Mes papiers militaires
Pour partir à la guerre
Avant mercredi soir.
Monsieur le Président
Je ne veux pas la faire
Je ne suis pas sur terre
Pour tuer des pauvres gens.
C’est pas pour vous fâcher
Il faut que je vous dise
Ma décision est prise
Je m’en vais déserter.
Depuis que je suis né
J’ai vu mourir mon père
J’ai vu partir mes frères
Et pleurer mes enfants.
Ma mère a tant souffert
Qu’elle est dedans sa tombe
Et se moque des bombes
Et se moque des vers.
Quand j’étais prisonnier
On m’a volé ma femme
On m’a volé mon âme
Et tout mon cher passé.
Demain de bon matin
Je fermerai ma porte
Au nez des années mortes
J’irai sur les chemins.
Je mendierai ma vie
Sur les routes de France
De Bretagne en Provence
Et je dirai aux gens
Refusez d’obéir
Refusez de la faire
N’allez pas à la guerre
Refusez de partir.
S’il faut donner son sang
Allez donner le vôtre
Vous êtes bon apôtre
Monsieur le Président.
Si vous me poursuivez
Prévenez vos gendarmes
Que je n’aurai pas d’armes
Et qu’ils pourront tirer.


Translations of "Le déserteur"
English #1, #2, #3, #4, #5, #6, #7
Catalan #1, #2, #3
Danish #1, #2
Dutch #1, #2
Esperanto #1, #2, #3, #4
Finnish #1, #2
German #1, #2, #3, #4, #5, #6
Greek #1, #2
Hebrew #1, #2, #3
Hungarian #1, #2
Italian #1, #2, #3, #4, #5, #6, #7, #8, #9, #10, #11, #12, #13
Japanese #1, #2, #3, #4, #5
Lingala #1, #2
Persian #1, #2
Piedmontese #1, #2
Polish #1, #2
Portuguese #1, #2, #3, #4, #5
Romansh #1, #2
Russian #1, #2, #3
Sardinian (northern dialects) #1, #2
Serbian #1, #2
Spanish #1, #2, #3, #4, #5, #6
Swedish #1, #2, #3, #4
Turkish #1, #2
Boris Vian: Top 3
   Sun, 21/08/2016 - 09:38

Hello Mark, thank you for submitting this song and its translations in so many languages, including my own languages. The German lyrics is great and I really like it but it’s just a translation from the French original song by Boris Vian and by Serge Reggiani (almost the same lyrics) that I myself have already translated directly (almost literally) into Italian and that other users have translated into German in the same way.

So, you should be conscious that all the translations you have added are translations (more or less free) from French, not from German. Don’t you think it would be better to set the French lyrics as original and the German versions as translations rather than as transliterations?

You may want also to set the Zupfgeigenhansel’s lyrics as a standalone song so that other users can make new translations starting from the German lyrics.

Thanks for your attention and forgive me for the trouble.

SaintMarkSaintMark    Sun, 21/08/2016 - 15:13

hi ! first off i dont wanna claim the song as a german cause it isnt. i should probably make it more clear in the description. i'm glad i`m done adding all versions. they were all on one website, which i have mentioned many times. there were even 2 or 3 that i left out cause the dialect they were written in wasn't a category here on LT. it took me like 6 hours yesterday or more and right now i don't feel very inclined to keep working again on moving all the data, i've got a lot more other songs to add...

what i can propose is I make a bigger mention in the comment. the important thing is we have all the translations on board for now. if you or any mod feel inclined you can all put hours into it moving stuff around. but i realized about halfway through the process the original used only 3 longer stanza whereas the german version had it broken into 6, which is easier to read, and is also how its actually sung, so i had to find the right breaks for every single language even in languages i am not proficient in. i had to doublecheck all with an online translator to make shure it fits. you see, theres a lot of work involved some of which people don't immediately see.. then if you're done moving everything around, you can start sorting out the loose translations, which are, strictly speaking, a new song in itself and all have to be you see, no matter how you do it,it's never really perfect. so i suggest we leave it like it is for now..

thank you for your comment.

PS: but you are right, in the french original, the first line goes like "i write to you, my king" and all translations based on boris vian's french original directly have that line more or less. but german "zupfgeigenhansel" adaptation starts with "i write to ye, oh high sirs", not mentioning a king directly..

   Sun, 21/08/2016 - 16:35

To say the truth, the original lyrics tells “Mister President” (no mention to a “king”) and it was changed afterwards into “Gentlemen called great” due to the intervention of French censorship that didn’t allow any direct expression of disapproval against the president of the French Republic.
But that isn’t the point.
I don’t doubt it took you a lot of time to add all these versions, and I greatly thank you for your work as I really love this song.
If I’m bothering you it’s just because I take care of its submission in the best way.
But the change I suggested would be far simpler: just setting the French lyrics instead of the German one, modifying a bit your comment and adjust a little a few line spacing, if needed. Anyhow, the French lyrics I translated into Italian has 6 stanzas as well (apart the Rimbaud’s poem).
I thought it would be fair, since the original song is written in French and all translations are based on it.

In any case, as a mod, I use to respect other’s works. I just prefer to give some suggestions and not to impose or change anything in the works that I haven’t made by myself.
So take your time, we aren’t in a hurry. If you agree with my suggestion I’ll be glad to see the original lyrics set in French and all the other versions, including the German one, available to be translated in other languages ;)

SaintMarkSaintMark    Sun, 21/08/2016 - 16:45

# president vs king: yes, i realized that and changed the description accordingly

I am editor, not mod so I can't delete songs, move songs or merge versions.
If i need some changes done it always goes around 3 corners.
If you or anyone else wanna do it, thats ok with me though.

   Sun, 21/08/2016 - 16:58

Ah, ok, as you like. But you can at least edit your own work, though.

SaintMarkSaintMark    Sun, 21/08/2016 - 18:04

i can do that yes. i have adapted the description text an already mention several times the french original.

SaintMarkSaintMark    Thu, 25/08/2016 - 08:00

was würd ich nur ohne dich machen !

CoopysnoopyCoopysnoopy    Thu, 25/08/2016 - 08:35

Na, endlich siehst du's mal ein!


SaintMarkSaintMark    Wed, 14/09/2016 - 17:31

whoever put all these many translations to correct the french original, thank you very much.

Naama21Naama21    Sat, 12/03/2022 - 12:35

Recreation Le déserteur/Monsieur le Président. De Boris Vian, 1984. Genre: pacifist song. Le réboycott/Sieurs les pingouins. Vers par siarpi.

Domnilor pinguini,

Noi vă vom boicota,

De loc nu vom lucra

pentru un scop meschin.

Nu putem respira,

Ne tremură grădina,

Să tacă deci mașina,

Cât încă este timp.

Domnilor pinguini,

Nu iese mult profit

Să fii mai mult cinstit

Decât regimentat.

Dar... Sub fir de iarbă verde

ne vom adăposti

și ne vom mulțumi

ca greierul când șede.

(Și stele blânde vede.)