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  • Grupo Revelação

    Velocidade da Luz → English translation

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Speed of Light

I do not know why I've been suffering that way
If ever I did nothing to deserve it
Te dei carinho amor
Em troca ganhei ingratidão
Não sei porquê, mas acho
Que é falta de compreensão
Você me tem como réu
O culpado e o ladrão
Por tentar ganhar seu coração...
Everyone makes mistakes
Everyone always makes mistakes
Everyone will ever make mistakes
I do not know why, my God
I keep suffering in loneliness
I got nothing to ask
I got nothing to give as well
That's why I'm leaving
I am leaving now ...
I am leaving now
I'm leaving to other planet
At the speed of light
Or maybe, at the speed of a comet
I go all alone and firm
To where death can warm me
Maybe this way, once and for all
I'll be able to forget you forever ...
Original lyrics

Velocidade da Luz

Click to see the original lyrics (Portuguese)

Grupo Revelação: Top 3
Idioms from "Velocidade da Luz"
Don JuanDon Juan
   Mon, 04/12/2023 - 15:33

The source lyrics have been updated. Please review your translation.