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  • No Name

    Ako si to hovorila → English translation

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Ako si to hovorila

ako si to hovorila
daj mi ešte zopár dní
ako som to hovoril ja – zabudni
ako si to hovorila
budeme žiť bez zábran
a naša láska bude čistá
ako oko Krista
tebe káže rozum mne pocit
ja žijem vo dne a v noci ty bdieš
a trápiš sa ako v žalári
rátaš dni a slzy na tvári
koľké si už vyronila
more by ich bolo snáď
a každá slza moru dáva
to čo láske rovnováha
ako znie to jasné znenie
keď dvaja cítia to isté chvenie
vtedy zázraky sa dejú
a slová znejú krajšie ako bežne znejú
aká je tá sila cností
keď jedna láska dvoch bytostí
žije život nezávisle
v rovnováhe srdca a mysle
niečo nové som pre nás zosnoval
no nesmieš prestať chcieť začínať od znova
na to čo si hovorila
vraj každý každému sa vzďaľuje
to iba sprevádza nás protikladov krása
a práve tá nás prinavráti k sebe
no musíš chcieť ako ja chcem veriť tebe
a koľko sĺz ti umývalo líca
celé more by ich bolo snáď
a každá slza moru dáva......

Like you used to say

Like you used to say
'give me a couple of more days'
and like I used to say: 'you wish'*
Like you used to say
'I'll live with no restraints'
And our love will be pure
like in the eyes of Jesus Christ**
You're rational while I listen to my heart
I live during the day while you're awake at night
And you suffer as if you were in jail
You count the days and the tears on your face
You cried so much that
your tears would make up for a sea
And each tear brings the sea
what balance brings to love
Just like the clear sound sounds
When two people feel the same shivers
that's when miracles happen
and the words sound better than usual
And the power behind the virtues
of one love shared by two beings
lives its life independently
in harmony of the heart and mind
I got something else waiting for us
but you can't refuse to start from scratch.
And you need to forget
what you used to say.
They say everyone is growing apart
I think it's the contradicting beauty
that will bring us back together
but you must want to have faith in me like I want to have faith in you
And how many tears washed down your cheeks
they would even make for a sea
and each tear brings the sea...
No Name: Top 3