Yulduz Usmonova - Burgutlar lyrics + English translation
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There isn’t left any dastard or brave around me,
There isn’t left any dream or sadness in my heart.
There is only dust left from my patience as mountains have.
Eagles, take me to the sky with you.
My crazy desire riots in me,
There is no any friend who could calm me down.
There is no place for people like me in this Earth.
So, eagles, take me to the sky with you.
Eagles, eagles,
Take me to the sky with you.
You are fair birds, you will never sell your freedom,
You are rocky birds, you don’t even look at carrion.
Is there anyone in this world who doesn’t envy you?
Eagles, take me to the sky with you.
Give me opportunity to look at the sky,
Let me also see sky wonders,
If I die, I'd like to die by your hands,
Eagles, take me to the sky with you.
Eagles, eagles,
Take me to the sky with you.
Original lyrics


Click to see the original lyrics (Uzbek)

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