Confession of a fault makes half amends for it.

Submitted by JoannaP on 2017-01-30
  • Idiom: Confession of a fault makes half amends for it.
  • Language: English
  • Idiomatic translations / equivalents: Italian
  • Explained meaning: English

Idiomatic translations of "Confession of a fault ..."

Peccato confessato mezzo perdonato

Meanings of "Confession of a fault ..."


Though you have committed a sin or a punishable act, if you confess what you have done you shall only be punished for half as much than if you were discovered.

Is used more colloquially to encourage honesty and provide warning.

Explained by JoannaPJoannaP on Mon, 30/01/2017 - 13:00
Explained by JoannaPJoannaP