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ضلي ضحكي

قلبي بيضحك من جوّا
لمّا تكوني فرحانه
دقاتو تقول علوّاه
عمري ما شوفك زعلانه
ضلّي ضحكي، ضلّي ضحكي
عيونك ما خلقت للبكي
بحطّك ع جرحي بيطيب
يا سنّا دخيلك بان
ابتسمي يا شفافا ابتسمي
خلّي اللولو وين ما كان
يتعلم كيف البسمة
ضلّي ضحكي، ضلّي ضحكي
عيونك ما خلقت للبكي
بحطّك ع جرحي بيطيب
ما بيسوى عمري بلاكي

Keep laughing

My heart is laughing inside
whenever you're happy
Its beats say I wish
I would never see you sad
Keep laughing, keep laughing
Your eyes are not made for crying
You're the cure for my wounds
O bright light please come forth
Smile, lips, smile
Let the pearls wherever they are
Learn how to smile
Keep laughing, keep laughing
Your eyes are not made for crying
You're the cure for my wounds
My life is nothing without you
Please help to translate "ضلي ضحكي"
Don JuanDon Juan
   Wed, 10/03/2021 - 12:53

The source lyrics may have been updated as a result of duplicate merging. Please review your translation.