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  • Youssoupha

    Dreamin → English translation

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Miss me, miss me you're the one who makes me feel, makes me feel for real...
in the night, in the night, you know when i close my eyes
i can hear you voice forever...
i'm dreaming, singing, hoping, smiling, giving, flying, falling, fighting, crying, leaving, writing, when you love me.
i'm dreaming, singing, hoping, smiling, giving, flying, falling, fighting, crying, leaving, writing, when you love me.
yeah !
j'écris des textes en relief juste avec des rimes plates, j'ai pas changé mes rêves contre un chèque de milles plaques, quand je suis en concert et que le publique back c'est grâce à philo mon frère, big up à mon big black.
j'suis partis de mon bled forcé sous les bruits d'balles, dans la rue les murs ont des oreilles et les briques parlent.
rap de référence tu sais je ne biz pas, espérant qu'ce putain de show biz ne me brise pas. d'une manière ou d'une autre j'rêvais de touché le ciel, j'pouvais pas être astronaute alors j'ai fais de la scène, j'ai un pied sur terre, l'autre dans le vide, un pied sur le superficiel l'autre dans le din. j'ai coeur chez les miens, un coeur chez les fous, un coeur sur la main un coeur au milieu de la foule, en guise de refrain pour le public qui m'entoure y a cette voix qui revient pour vous dire tout mon amour, pour vous dire tout mon amour...
miss me, miss me you're the one who makes me feel, makes me feel for real...
in the night, in the night, you know when i close my eyes
i can hear you voice forever...
i'm dreaming, singing, hoping, smiling, giving, flying, falling, fighting, crying, leaving, writing, when you love me.
i'm dreaming, singing, hoping, smiling, giving, flying, falling, fighting, crying, leaving, writing, when you love me.
j'allume une bougie pour éclairer nos remords, et je me bouge vite pour ne pas rester dehors, le temps s'écoule vite donc on a besoin de l'or, j'ai le flow de "ll cool j" quand j'ai besoin de love. j'ai une main sur mes proches, l'autre sur une femme, j'ai une main sur le microphone l'autre sur un arme, le succès est de taille mais faut garder nos repères, plus belle serra la médaille plus beau serra le revers. j'écris ces quelques lignes car souvent je m'y perds, la défaite est orpheline, la victoire à mille pères, j'ai un oeil sur nos vies, un oeil sur le monde, un oeil sur mon fils, un oeil sur la montre. ma vie sans souffle triste anesthésie, quand je souffre pour vous je souffre avec plaisir, en guise de refrain pour le public qui m'entoure y a cette voix qui revient pour vous redire mon amour, pour vous redire mon amour...
miss me, miss me you're the one who makes me feel, makes me feel for real...
in the night, in the night, you know when i close my eyes
i can hear you voice forever...
indila, chante... chante...
i'm dreaming, singing, hoping, smiling, giving, flying, falling, fighting, crying, leaving, writing, when you love me.
i'm dreaming, singing, hoping, smiling, giving, flying, falling, fighting, crying, leaving, writing, when you love me.
i'm dreaming, singing, hoping, smiling, giving, flying, falling, fighting, crying, leaving, writing, when you love me.
i'm dreaming, singing, hoping, smiling, giving, flying, falling, fighting, crying, leaving, writing, when you love me.
i don't want to lose you,
i'm nothing with out you,
i don't want it to end,
my love is in the your hands
i don't want to lose you,
i'm nothing with out you,
i don't want it to end,
my love is in the your hands
oooooooooh... ooooooooh... oooooooooooh...
indila, chante...
ooooooooooh... ooooooooh....
noir désirs...
y a cette voix qui revient pour vous dire tout mon amour...


Miss me, miss me you're the one who makes me feel, makes me feel for real...
in the night, in the night, you know when i close my eyes
i can hear you voice forever...
i'm dreaming, singing, hoping, smiling, giving, flying, falling, fighting, crying, leaving, writing, when you love me.
i'm dreaming, singing, hoping, smiling, giving, flying, falling, fighting, crying, leaving, writing, when you love me.
yeah !
I write deep lyrics just with flat rhymes, I did not exchange my dreams for a thousand grand check, when I'm in concert and the audience gives back it is thanks to the philo of my brother, big up to my big black.
I was forced to leave the hood under the sound of bullets, in the street walls have ears and bricks speak.
Referenced rap, you know I do not biz, hoping that this goddamn show biz won't break me. One way or another, I dreamed of touching the sky, I could not be an astronaut so I went up on the scene, I got one foot on the ground, the other in the void, one foot on the superficial the other on the din. I have the heart of my people, a heart at the madhouse, a heart on my sleave, a heart in the middle of the crowd, in lieu of chorus, for the audience around me there is this voice coming back to tell you of all my love, to tell you of all my love...
miss me, miss me you're the one who makes me feel, makes me feel for real...
in the night, in the night, you know when i close my eyes
i can hear you voice forever...
i'm dreaming, singing, hoping, smiling, giving, flying, falling, fighting, crying, leaving, writing, when you love me.
i'm dreaming, singing, hoping, smiling, giving, flying, falling, fighting, crying, leaving, writing, when you love me.
I light a candle to light up your remorses, And I move fast to not remain outside, time flies fast so we need the gold, I have the flow of "ll cool j" when I need to love. I have a hand on my close ones, the other on a woman, I have a hand on the microphone the other on a gun, the succes is huge but we must keep our landmarks, the better the medal the prettier the other side. I write those few lines because often I get lost, defeat is an orphan, victory have a thousand fathers, I keep an eye on our lives, an eye on the world, an eye on my son, an eye on the clock. My breathless life sad anesthetic, when I suffer for you, I suffer with pleasure, in lieu of chorus, for the audience around me there is this voice coming back to tell you of all my love, to tell you of all my love......
miss me, miss me you're the one who makes me feel, makes me feel for real...
in the night, in the night, you know when i close my eyes
i can hear you voice forever...
indila, sing... sing...
i'm dreaming, singing, hoping, smiling, giving, flying, falling, fighting, crying, leaving, writing, when you love me.
i'm dreaming, singing, hoping, smiling, giving, flying, falling, fighting, crying, leaving, writing, when you love me.
i'm dreaming, singing, hoping, smiling, giving, flying, falling, fighting, crying, leaving, writing, when you love me.
i'm dreaming, singing, hoping, smiling, giving, flying, falling, fighting, crying, leaving, writing, when you love me.
i don't want to lose you,
i'm nothing with out you,
i don't want it to end,
my love is in the your hands
i don't want to lose you,
i'm nothing with out you,
i don't want it to end,
my love is in the your hands
oooooooooh... ooooooooh... oooooooooooh...
indila, sing...
ooooooooooh... ooooooooh....
dark desires...
There is this voice coming back to tell you of all my love...
SlovakiaSlovakia    Sat, 01/03/2014 - 15:08
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Merci :)