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  • Ana Gabriel

    El cigarillo → English translation

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El cigarillo

Anoche estuve conversando con mi cigarrillo.
me sentí cansada, cansada, aburrida y tan vacía
que a veces hasta pienso que ni siquiera existo,
que a veces hasta pienso que ni siquiera existo.
Lo encendí muy lentamente, le dí una fumada
y al mirar el humo que en el espacio se volatizaba,
recordé tantas cosas que creí olvidadas,
se las conté todas mientras que lo fumaba.
Le conversé de ti y de mis añoranzas,
le conté de tus besos y de mis esperanzas,
le conté de tu olvido, de mis lagrimas tantas,
de aquello que vivimos y que hoy se ha vuelto nada.
Le dije que es posible que a mí nadie me quiera
porque he intentado vivir a mi manera,
porque me he negado a pagar el tributo
de bajeza y pecados que hoy nos exige el mundo.
Que a lo mejor estoy acabada o que la vida me ha vencido
que he sufrido y he llorado, que he luchado y he reido,
y que es lo que he ganado por ser así tan comprensiva,
sólo vivir desesperada en un mundo tan vacio.
Anoche estuve conversando con mi cigarrillo,
y al terminarlo, pensando me quede entre sus pies
que en este verso triste, que es el mundo en que vivo,
sólo él meva quedando como unico amigo.

The cigarette

Last night I was talking to my cigarette
I felt tired, tired, bored and so empty
That sometimes I even think that I do not exist
That sometimes I even think that I do not exist
I lit it very slowly
I smoked and saw the smoke that was flying in the space, I remembered so many things
That I thought they were forgotten, I narrated them all to it while I was smoking
I told it about you and my yearning
I told it about your kisses and my hopes
I told it about your oblivion and my tears
About all that we lived and today they became nothing
I told it that is possible that nobody wants me
Because I tried to live in my way, because I denied to pay the tribute of abjection and sins that the world requires from us these days
That I am finished and life has defeated me
That I have suffered and cried
that I have fought and laughed
And this is what I won for being
Comprehensive, only living desperated in an empty world
Last night I was talking to my cigarette
And when I finished it
Thinking I fell at it's feet
In this sad verse, that is the world that I am living
It is the only one that remains my unique friend.
roster 31roster 31
   Wed, 27/07/2016 - 16:04

I think I'll rearrange the stanzas, as you did. In the original, will be according to the rhyme.
Thank you.

Maybe you would like to rearrange yours, now.

roster 31roster 31
   Wed, 27/07/2016 - 16:26

Good translation!
I just want to point out that the original says, "... and so empty , that...", if that make any difference to you.
"nadie me quiera". You can leave "wants me" but, in Spanish it is "loves me".

   Thu, 28/07/2016 - 06:05

Thanks for the feedback :-)