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  • Serge Reggiani

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Get drunk!

One shall always be drunk.
This is the key, the only point.
So as not to feel the horrendous burden that breaks your shoulders and bends you toward the ground, you shall get drunk, relentlessly.
Now what with?
Wine, poetry or virtue, as you please.
And if sometime, on the steps of a palace, on the green grass of a ditch, in the sullen loneliness of your room you wake up, drunkenness already ebbing or gone, ask the wind, the wave, the star, the bird, the clock, all that laughs, all that moans, all that flees, all that sings, all that speaks, ask them all what time it is.
And the wind, the wave, the bird, the clock will answer: "it is time to get drunk!"
So as not to be the tortured slaves of Time, get drunk; get drunk relentlessly!
With wine, poetry, love or virtue, as you please.
Original lyrics


Click to see the original lyrics (French)

Valeriu RautValeriu Raut
   Thu, 09/07/2015 - 20:35

Bravo Petit Élève, tu as un grand courage.
Et la traduction est bien faite.
Attendons l'opinion d'un natif de langue anglaise.