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There is a train heading to nowhere

(There is a train heading to nowhere)
(There is a train heading to nowhere)
There is a train heading to nowhere
With me as its only passenger.
With every hour that goes by
It is taking me further away from you.
There is a train heading to nowhere
That was not there yesterday.
I thought you believed in me
And that I would have you forever.
There is a train heading to nowhere
And nobody turns the light from green to red.
Do you really not care
That our happiness suddenly falls apart?
There is a train heading to nowhere
Soon you will be alone just like me.
But say a word, say just a word
And everything will be the way it was
Oh Maria, I love you
I love you, please believe me
Whatever I had with the other (woman)
It's over, I swear it to you.
Oh Maria, you let me go
But there's a tear in your eye
I've seen a tear
Does it want to tell me: Come back?
(There is a train heading to nowhere)
(There is a train heading to nowhere)
Time flies, the hours pass by
Soon a new day will rise.
It's not too late yet
But if the door shuts, then what?
There is a train heading to nowhere
That was not there yesterday.
I thought you believed in me
And that I would have you forever.
There is a train heading to nowhere
And nobody turns the light from green to red.
Do you really not care
That our happiness suddenly falls apart?
There is a train heading to nowhere
Soon you will be alone just like me.
But say a word, say just a word
And everything will be the way it was
Oh Maria, I love you
I love you, please believe me
Whatever I had with the other (woman)
It's over, I swear it to you.
Oh Maria, you let me go
But there's a tear in your eye
I've seen a tear.
Does it want to tell me: Come back?
Oh Maria, you let me go
But there's a tear in your eye
I've seen a tear.
Do you want to tell me: Come back?
(There is a train heading to nowhere)
Oh Maria, I love you
(There is a train heading to nowhere)
(There is a train heading to nowhere)
Oh Maria
(There is a train heading to nowhere)
(There is a train heading to nowhere)
(There is a train heading to nowhere)
Original lyrics

Es fährt ein Zug nach Nirgendwo

Click to see the original lyrics (German)

BurgholdBurghold    Fri, 08/12/2017 - 19:37

Naja, es wird wirklich "mit der andern" gesungen - dann bitte:
"Was auch immer mit der ander'n war"

   Fri, 08/12/2017 - 19:45

Sorry. Ich hatte es geändert, denn "andern" ist auch ein Wort. Ich habe es korrigiert.
Ist die Übersetzung "with the other woman" richtig?

BurgholdBurghold    Fri, 08/12/2017 - 19:49

Ja, in der Übersetzung kann man zum besseren Verständnis "woman" hinzufügen.

   Wed, 13/12/2017 - 10:56

Vielen Dank! :D

   Wed, 11/04/2018 - 07:57

Sehr schön, nur ein paar Kleinigkeiten:

"With me as only passenger" => "With me as its only passenger" oder "With me as the only passenger""

"And that I will have you forever." => "And that I would have you forever."

"Does it really make you feel nothing // That our happiness falls apart all at once?" => "Do you really not care // That our happiness suddenly falls apart?"

"Whatever happened with the other" => "Whatever I had with the other (woman)"

"But there's a tear in your gaze" => Auch wenn das die korrekte direkte ÜS ist, finde ich, "But there's a tear in your eye" klingt besser (die deutsche Variante ist auch eher ungewöhnlich, aber klingt für mich poetischer als die direkte ÜS).

   Fri, 13/04/2018 - 08:34

Danke für deine Hilfe. Was bedeutet "ÜS"?

   Fri, 13/04/2018 - 09:08
petit élève ha scritto:

I've seen a tear -> plutôt "I've seen than tear" ou "I've seen it", non ?

No. "There's a tear in your eye, I saw a tear". (Though I assume you mistyped and meant "that thear", not "than tear. ;))

   Fri, 13/04/2018 - 09:42

A perfect literal translation would be "But a tear in your eye, a tear I have seen" (which is basically "But a tear in your eye I have seen" with a repetition thrown in). Since translating offers all degrees of freedom, this can also be correctly translated as "But there was a tear in your eye, I saw that tear" or, reversing the lines, "I saw there was a tear in your eye" etc.
I have long abandoned the tendency to translate as closely as possible to the original sentence structure and prefer whatever sounds best in the target language, even if it omits some structure from, or adds words to, the literal original.

   Fri, 13/04/2018 - 12:33

So, should I say "it" or is "tear" fine?

   Fri, 13/04/2018 - 12:31

Oups j'avais oublié le with merci :)