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  • Maria Teresa de Noronha

    Fado Batê → English translation

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Fado Batê

Eu só queria meu amor
Como os anjos do senhor
Ter asas, poder voar
Para quando me invade
Do passado a saudade
Eu te poder alcançar
Para quando me invade
Do passado a saudade
Eu te poder alcançar
Meu amor se tu soubesses
E se meu coração lesses
Choravam os olhos teus
Mas nunca o hás de saber
Para findar meu sofrer
Bastava sabê-lo Deus
Mas nunca o hás de saber
Para findar meu sofrer
Bastava sabê-lo Deus
Pela dor do meu destino
Eu lhe peço Deus Menino
Que me deixe ver alguém
Pois é tanta a minha dor
Que eu já nem sei ter amor
A quem amor por mim tem
Pois é tanta a minha dor
Que eu já nem sei ter amor
Ai a quem amor por mim tem

Fado Batê

I would like, my darling,
just like the angels of the Lord,
to have wings, to be able to fly,
so that when the nostalgia
of the past invades me
I could reach you,
…So that when the nostalgia
of the past invades me
I could reach you.
My darling, if you knew and
if you could read from my heart
your eyes would be filled with tears,
but you will never learn it.
If The Lord knew about my suffering
it would be enough to put an end to it.
…But you will never learn it.
If The Lord knew about my suffering
it would be enough to put an end to it.
Because of the pain of my fate
I pray to the Holy Child
to let me meet someone.
Because it hurts me so much
that now I have no one
who would love me.
…Because it hurts me so much
that now I have no one
oh, who would love me.
The author of translation requested proofreading.
It means that he/she will be happy to receive corrections, suggestions etc about the translation.
If you are proficient in both languages of the language pair, you are welcome to leave your comments.
Maria Teresa de Noronha: Top 3