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    Fagran Fljotan Folen → English translation

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Fagran Fljotan Folen

Høyre du fagran fljotan folen
eg spør deg eit ord
hossi mykji vil du hav`
av raude gulle
færa ber deg ivri fjord
Til svarad fagran fljotan folen
tots i hugin gram
eg vil hava di høgre handi
Men da ska eg ber deg fram
Til svarad Åsmund Frægdegjevar
som gud gav til råde:
fulla skal du få mi høgre handi
Men da lyt du ber `kon båe

The Fair and Good Horse

Do you hear, fair and good horse,
I ask you a single question:1
"How much would you like to have
of shining gold2
for you to cross the inlet?"3
The fair and good horse answered,
"I would like your right hand,
but then I will carry you across."
Åsmund Frægdegjevar,
whom God had advised, answered:
"Of course you will get my right hand,
but then you must also carry us both."
  • 1. Lit. 'one word'
  • 2. Lit. 'yellow-ish gold'
  • 3. Lit. 'to carry yourself over the inlet'
  • 4. I'm not completely sure about this line. An idiom in Nynorsk goes 'hard i hugen' and means 'hardhearted.' However, 'tot' may be the same as Nynorsk 'tute' (i.e. to weep), however, that doesn't make much sense in this context.
Idioms from "Fagran Fljotan Folen"
TrampGuyTrampGuy    Thu, 06/12/2012 - 21:31

I don't see any problem in fn 4, it does makes sense to me.

   Fri, 07/12/2012 - 06:41

Yes, it makes sense, I'm just not completely sure that it is the exact right translation, but I will leave it as it is for now.

AndrevenAndreven    Sun, 04/03/2018 - 20:49

This is a very good translation. If I'm not mistaken "tots" is past tense of "tykkjast", much like "totte" is past tense of "tykkja" in older writing and speech. "Gram" means angry/stern/grim (especially facial expressions). So a possible translation is: "The fair and good horse answered, seeming grim to the mind: 'I would like your right hand'"

Yav466Yav466    Tue, 13/06/2023 - 20:05

is "good" a good translation of "fljotan"? It usually means swift/fast/quick