Hello Everyone!

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<a href="/en/translator/alliegk" class="userpopupinfo" rel="user1231703">alliegk <div class="author_icon" title="Page author" ></div></a>
Joined: 08.01.2015
Pending moderation

My name is Allie, I'm from the United States. Unfortunately I am unable to translate songs since I only speak English but I came here because I love Serbian music and would like to know what the songs mean. Thanks so much for your help everybody! :-)

Retired Moderator and guesslator
<a href="/en/translator/fulicasenia" class="userpopupinfo" rel="user1106693">fulicasenia </a>
Joined: 25.02.2012

Welcome to the site! :)

Moderator 👨🏻‍🏫🇧🇷✍🏻👨🏻
<a href="/en/translator/don-juan" class="userpopupinfo" rel="user1110108">Don Juan <div class="moderator_icon" title="Συντονιστής" ></div></a>
Joined: 05.04.2012

Welcome abroad, Allie.

If you don't find the translations you want, you may open translation requests for them. There are many users who speak Serbian around, and as Future Dr. Juanita said, they are very active and are able to help you.


Expert World's ugly to me.
<a href="/en/translator/loperarock" class="userpopupinfo" rel="user1173218">l'opera.rock </a>
Joined: 14.04.2013

Hello Allie, greetings from Türkiye, hope you enjoy your stay in here! :-)

<a href="/en/translator/gfb" class="userpopupinfo" rel="user1122955">gfb </a>
Joined: 30.08.2012

welcome ! I love serbian musıc too. I am glad now :)