help translate: lo que te traje te lo vengo a dar

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<a href="/en/translator/petitbalperdu" class="userpopupinfo" rel="user1106043">petitbalperdu <div class="author_icon" title="Page author" ></div></a>
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please help!

lyrics in context, excerpt from "El rey del mambo y la reina de saba" by Klaus & Kinski

A la verbena te vengo a buscar
Lo que te traje te lo vengo a dar
Pena de traje que traje esta noche
Se acabará por manchar.

is it right to read the second line with the third, as in "te lo vengo a dar pena..."?

would this translation work?

At the festival, I come in search of you
What I’ve brought you has just made you feel sad
The costume that I wore tonight
Has been soiled


Retired Moderator
<a href="/en/translator/arenal5" class="userpopupinfo" rel="user1116965">ArenaL5 </a>
Joined: 24.06.2012

No, they are separate sentences.

Lo que te traje te lo vengo a dar:
lit.: What I've brought you, I'm coming to give it to you

Pena de traje que traje esta noche:
lit.: [What a] pity, the suit that I brought tonight

Also, "Se acabará por manchar" is closer to "Will end soiled / will be soiled at the end"

Could you upload the whole lyrics of the song, without translation? (click in your username, then "+Add Content", then "Song") It would be easier to translate in context that way.