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  • Dječaci

    Lovrinac → English translation

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Little Rod from Cape Cod
Lived just across the road
One night, about twelve o'clock
He went out to rob a shop
So the owner took out the
Bam! Bam! Bam! Bam!
Little Rod now lives
On the graveyard
Little Lou from Waterloo
Didn't pass the high school
One night, late and shady
He went out to rape a lady
So the lady took out the
Bam! Bam! Bam! Bam!
Little Lou now lives
On the graveyard
Little Casey from the Basin
There were talks that he went crazy
He went to cut some granny's neck
He approached her from the back
But the granny took out the
Bam! Bam! Bam! Bam!
Little Casey now lives
On the graveyard
Little Chuckie from the Buckley
It was known that he was junkie
His dealer received the call
If the payoff could wait more
Dealer came and took out the
Bam! Bam! Bam! Bam!
Little Chuckie now lives
On the graveyard
On the graveyard, on the graveyard
The whole town is on the graveyard
The criminals and the mobsters, the drug addicts and the robbers, on the graveyard
There is a club, we are all dead
Cause we all died, psycopaths and pedophiles
The whole town's there, oh my god!
Little Jay from Green Bay
His money was gambled away
So one night he just went
To break into soldier's flat
After that, you could hear
Bam! Bam! Bam! Bam!
Little Jay now lives
On the graveyard
Little John from Macon
Coming home in the dawn
He was working all the night
Fucking his best man's wife
So the best man took out the
Bam! Bam! Bam! Bam!
Little John now lives
On the graveyard
Little Kane from Fort Wayne
He got fucked up of cocaine
So he went up to his pop
Called him stupid, called him dumb
So the pop took out the
Bam! Bam! Bam! Bam!
Little Kane now lives
On the graveyard
Original lyrics


Click to see the original lyrics (Croatian, Croatian (Chakavian dialect))

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Idioms from "Lovrinac"
barsiscevbarsiscev    Sat, 06/10/2012 - 19:22

It's cool thing!!!
Little Jay from Green Bay

   Sat, 06/10/2012 - 20:25

I tried to rhyme it as best as I could because names don't matter :)

barsiscevbarsiscev    Sat, 06/10/2012 - 20:51

Zdravo, Zrinko-
Jedino što ne mogu shvatiti, a zašto na groblju ima diskoteke ?
Jel' to je lokalni običaj - sahrana sa plesom i muzikom ?

pjesnik21pjesnik21    Sun, 13/07/2014 - 18:41

Ne, to se odnosi na ljude (pokojne). Ima ih puno kao da su u diskoteci. Sahrana s plesom i muzikom je sablazan kod nas.

WolandovaWolandova    Sat, 06/10/2012 - 21:00

@kuroi_neko: here you can listen

@barsiscev - naravno da to nije lokalni običaj, ne misli se doslovno na disko na groblju - to je metafora ili obična parodija, oni inače imaju takve tekstove.

barsiscevbarsiscev    Sat, 06/10/2012 - 21:04

čudni humor imaju ovi autori

san79san79    Sun, 27/07/2014 - 18:38

Sergej i Lačni franz ima takvih pjesama...

barsiscevbarsiscev    Wed, 30/07/2014 - 16:03

Da, Lačni Franz je nešto čudno

   Sun, 07/10/2012 - 10:18

Da, poznati su po neobičnim tekstovima :)

barsiscevbarsiscev    Sun, 07/10/2012 - 11:16

pamtim jednu takvu rusku pesmicu
Вышел полный ататуй,
панихида с танцами.
Рухнул каменный статуй
завалил пол-станции.

Dogodilo je nešto posve čudno
bila je sahrana s plesom.
Srušio se kip od kamena,
i prekrio je pola železničke stanice.

pjesnik21pjesnik21    Sun, 13/07/2014 - 18:42

Ja se ovakve rime nikad ne bih sjetio.

   Sun, 27/07/2014 - 18:26

Shvatit ću kao pohvalu :D

FCSMCFCSMC    Fri, 10/10/2014 - 20:58

Jako zanimljiv prijevod!!!!!! :)

   Sun, 02/11/2014 - 15:27

Hvala! :D a pojam "cajka" je u međuvremenu poprilično promijenio značenje..

   Sun, 02/11/2014 - 15:51

Cajke su u originalu bile vojvođanske i srpske narodne pjesme, da bi se taj pojam početkom devedesetih počeo koristiti kao izraz za komercijalnu turbo-folk glazbu kakvu izvode Ceca, Seka Aleksić, Dara Bubamara itd. i to značenje ima i danas.

Igor MarićIgor Marić    Fri, 13/05/2016 - 23:02

Ovo je genijalan prijevod, svaka čast!