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  • Zap Tharwat

    مين السبب → English translation

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مين السبب

كنت فاكر السعادة حاجة متححدة
بنت حلوة شكل هادي
ركبت من ابو الفدا
المشكلة ان الصوت
ياما عكر الهدوء
و الشباب في الزحمة
قاموا لما شافوا البنت زوق
قالوا هيلا بيلا صيدا
يلا بينا نبتدي
مهما كان الفعل جارح
هي مش هتشتكي
المحترم اللي فيهم
شارك بس بالكلام
مع ان كلامه جارح
بس زايط و السلام
موقف مهين
اصل كل الناس ساكتين
اللي شايف واللي سامع
و اللي راكب من الحسين
قاعد طول السكة ساكت
شارك بس بالعنبن
شئ يحزن
حاجة تقرف ان كل الخلق عادي
اللي عامل فيها سارح
و اللي بيسمع للمنادي
كله عادي
لو هيبقي حد راضي
كله راضي
ان الغدر يبقي عادي
و يترمي حمل العتاب
عالبنات و عالاهالي
ليه بنرضي و مش بننطق
هو ده ديماً سؤالي
وسط كل بيت حكاية
متحكتش من الكسوف
وسط كل بيت
حبيبة شايفة بكرا كله خوف
مين السبب
لو في يوم الغدر طال كل البيوت
من السبب
لما الحبيبة تصرخ ان مفيش حلول
مفيش حلول
كنت فاكر السعادة حاجة متحددة
نفس البنت تاني يوم
ركبت من ابو الفدا
خط زحمة اكوام و لحمة
اكشن عيد القصة تاني
بابتسامة صفرا بادئ
قال يقول كلام اغاني
اه يا حلو ياللي واقف"
"يلّا بينا ولا ايه؟
:م البداية البنت ثارت
هو ده يبقي اسمه ايه؟"
هو ايه مفيش شهامة ؟
"ابعد عني عايز ايه؟
صوتها يعلي
و من بجاحته رد
كان الصوت صوتين
مجتش جمبك"
"كله شايف ايدي فين
الامل عمال بيضعف
ان حد يقوم يساعد
واضح كله ساكت علي المشاكل
كله باعد
عيب علي الشناب و علي الدقون"
اللي موجودة
فين النبل يا جدع؟
"فين النخوة و الرجولة؟
قام الكل قام و شاخط
بصوا طولت اللسان
زعلوا منها
لما سمعوا صوت الحق في الودان
وسط كل بيت حكاية
متحكتش من الكسوف
وسط كل بيت
حبيبة شايفة بكرا كله خوف
مين السبب
لو في يوم الغدر طال كل البيوت
من السبب
لما الحبيبة تصرخ ان مفيش حلول
مفيش حلول
الحلول موجودة]
و أولها ان احنا نبطل ندور على حد نلومه
التحرش بيؤذي كل واحد فينا
مش بس بيؤذي البنت
احنا الحل
[فلازم نبتدي

Who is to Blame?

I used to think that happiness was a definite thing
A pretty girl, with a calm look
got on board from Abou El Feda1
The problem is that the noise
Has always disturbed the quiet
And the young guys in the crowd
got up when they saw that the girl was classy
They said [to themselves]: "let's go, an easy pray
Let's get started,
No matter how hurtful our actions might get
She will not complain"
The most polite one of them
contributed only through talking
Although his words were hurtful,
He was having a go and simply enjoying his time
A humiliating situation
because everyone else is silent
Some people see and others can hear
some of them [even] got on board from Al-Hussain2
Sitting there silently all road long
Participating only with their eyes
Such a saddening thing
A sickening affair that all these people are simply sitting there normally
Some pretend they are not paying attention
And some are listening to the ticket collector
Everyone remains neutral
as long as they are content
Everyone is content
For treachery to become a norm
And for the burden of blame to be thrust upon
The girls and their families
Why do we go with it and not say anything?
This is always my question
In every home there is a story
That was not told because of embarrassment
In every home
There is a lover that sees tomorrow being full of fear
Who is to blame
if treachery's grasp reached all homes one day?
Who is to blame
when the lover screams that there are no solutions?
There are no solutions..
I used to think that happiness was a definite thing
The next day, the same girl
got on board from Abou El Feda1
A busy route, piles of people and flesh
Action! And the story repeats itself
With a slimy smile he started
Saying words [as if] out of songs:
"Oh sweetie standing there,
Should we go [somewhere] or what?"
Right away the girl erupted saying:
"What do you call this?!
Is there no chivalry anymore?!
Get away from me, what do you want?!"
Her voice got higher
And because he is shameless he replied
And his voice was twice as high as hers
He told her:
"I didn't touch you,
everyone sees where my hands are"
Hope keeps fading,
the hope that someone might get up and help
It appears that everyone is silent in the face of troubles
Everyone shies away..
She said:
"Shame on the mustaches and the beards
that are [sitting] here!3
Oh where did nobility go?!
Where are chivalry and gallantry?!"
Then everyone else stood up and yelled [at her]
Now look at how eloquent and rude they just became4
They got mad at her
When they heard the voice of the truth in their ears
In every home there is a story
That was not told because of embarrassment
In every home
There is a lover that sees tomorrow being full of fear
Who is to blame
if treachery's grasp reached all homes one day?
Who is to blame
when the lover screams that there are no solutions?
There are no solutions..
[The solutions exist..
And the first one is for us to stop looking for someone to blame5
Sexual Harassment hurts everyone of us..
It does not only harm the girl..
We are the solution..
So we must start]
  • 1. a. b. A street in Cairo.
  • 2. This is a district of Cairo famous for its religious Islamic atmosphere, which is something that obviously adds more salt to injury.
  • 3. I.e: Shame on the men who are sitting there idly.
  • 4. It's an idiom, literal translation "look how long their tongues have become."
  • 5. As in, stop blaming the victim.