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  • Tanju Okan

    Neden Saçların Beyazlamış → English translation

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Neden Saçların Beyazlamış

Neden saçların beyazlamış arkadaş
Sana da benim gibi çektiren mi var
Görüyorum ki her gün meyhanedesin
Yaşamaya küstürüp içtiren mi var
Bir zamanlar bende deli gibi sevdim
O bana dert ben ona mutluluk verdim
Yıllardır soruyorum bu soruyu kendime
Allah'ım bu dünyaya ben niye geldim
Katlanmayı bilmeyen aşkı çekemez
Aşka mahkum edilen garip gülemez
Ben de yanmışım vallah senin gibi arkadaş
Dünyanın derdi bitmez böyle arkadaş

why did your hair whiten

why did your hair whiten
why did your hair whiten, my friend?
is there also to you a person who lets you suffer like there is to me
- I see, that you're every day in the pub
- is there someone that makes you angry with life and makes you drink
Once upon a time I also loved like an insane
she gave me sorrows, I gave her happiness
for ages I've asked myself this question
my Allah, why did I come to this earth
- him, who doesn't know to endure, can't cope with love
the poor who is condemned to love can't laugh
I swear, I am also burning like you, companion
world's sorrow won't end this way, companion
-- world's grief won't come to an end, companion
- Of be, choosing from behind is a difficult art
Idioms from "Neden Saçların ..."
syrian2011syrian2011    Tue, 30/12/2014 - 21:00

Teskerlar ,, thanks ,, merci ,, شكرا

syrian2011syrian2011    Tue, 30/12/2014 - 21:00

Teskerlar ,, thanks ,, merci ,, شكرا