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  • La Hija del Mariachi (OST)

    No Me Amenaces → English translation

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No Me Amenaces

No me amenaces, no me amenaces.
Cuando estés decidido a buscar otra vida
pues agarra tu rumbo y véte,
pero no me amenaces, no me amenaces,
ya estás grandecito, ya entiendes la vida,
ya sabes lo que haces.
Porque estás que te vas,
y te vas, y te vas, y te vas
y te vas, y te vas, y no te has ido;
Y yo estoy esperando tu amor
esperando tu amor, esperando tu amor,
o esperando tu olvido.

Don't Threaten Me

Don't threaten me, don't threaten me.
When you've decided to find another life,
then hit the road1 and go,
but don't threaten me, don't threaten me,
you're a big boy now, you understand life ,
you already know what you're doing.
Because you keep saying that you're going,
and you're going, and you're going, and you're going
and you're going, and you're going, and you haven't left;
And I am awaiting your love
awaiting your love, awaiting your love,
or awaiting your oblivion.
  • 1. Hit the road is an english expression that means go your own way/pick a route and leave
La Hija del Mariachi (OST): Top 3