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May everything go pretty for you

May everything go pretty for you
May all your pains end
May they tell you I no longer exist
May you meet better people
May they give you what I couldn't
Even though I gave you all sorts of things
I will never again bother you
I adored you, I lost you, oh well
So many things remained lit
To the very depth of my soul
So many lights you left on
I don't know how I'll turn them off
I hope my love doesn't hurt you
May you forget about me forever
May your veins fill with blood
May life dress you in luck
I don't know if your absence will kill me
Even though my chest is made of steel
And may no one call me a coward
Without knowing how much I love him
So many things remained lit
To the very depth of my soul
So many lights you left on
I don't know how I'll turn them off
Original lyrics

Que te vaya bonito

Click to see the original lyrics (Spanish)

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